We have an extensive interdisciplinary team from different universities and areas of study. The team works as a collective to help investigate and educate on antibiotic stewardship.
The CSaAR research team currently is focusing on a project to improve provider-patient interactions with hopes of discouraging prescriptions of unnecessary antibiotics while also maintaining patient satisfaction via education and assurance to the individual.
The growing threat of antibiotic resistance has sparked numerous projects across the world in order to combat the evolving resistant bacteria. The research study, “Interventions with Providers to Improve Antibiotic Stewardship with Emerging Adult Patients,” focuses on the ways in which healthcare providers can improve their communication with their patients in order to promote antibiotic stewardship. The overarching goal of this research study is to lessen unnecessary antibiotic use through training healthcare providers to better educate and assure their patients when antibiotics are not needed while simultaneously strengthening the provider-patient relationship.