
Emily Fisher (B.S., Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Penn State) is a Bio / Pharmaceutical Project Manager at Eurofins. For the past two years, Emily worked on several CSaAR projects. She also completed an Honors thesis focused on antibiotic stewardship, Promoting Antibiotic Stewardship with a Video Intervention Based on the Risk Information Seeking and Processing Model.  In her free time, Emily loves to hike with her yellow lab, bake cookies, or read memoirs.

Yuwei Li (M.A., Communication Arts and Sciences, Penn State) is a doctoral student in the Department of Communication Arts and Sciences at Penn State. His research focuses on the psychological underpinnings of interpersonal communication, particularly in the influence message production context. He is most interested in how goals interact with situational and communicator characteristics to predict variation in language. He is also interested in topics such as computer-mediated communication, quantitative methods, social scientific measurement, and #Rstats. Yuwei is co-author on Health Providers’ Advising on Symptom Management for Upper Respiratory Tract Infections: Does Elaboration of Reasoning Influence Outcomes Relevant to Antibiotic Stewardship? recently published on the Journal of Language and Social Psychology, and he has presented CSaAR projects at the D.C. Conference on Health Communication and International Communication Association. For the past three years, Yuwei has been involved in various projects in the CSaAR lab. Outside of work, Yuwei enjoys baking, traveling, and video games.