Stacy Bias is an illustrator and animator living in London, England. She creates 2D animations with a special focus on storytelling for social change and creative research dissemination. Her 20 year history of Social Justice activism informs her practice with academics, charities, NGOs and other mission-based organisations. Current works combine ethnographic research (qualitative research and interviews) with illustration and animation to create humanising narratives that amplify marginalised voices. This work highlights and celebrates the resilience, creativity and strength of those living at the margins of social inclusion while also confronting the damaging ideologies that require those skills. Bias also works frequently with academics in Health Communications, co-creating sensitive and effective educational resources for both practitioners and the communities they serve. Bias’ practice is collaborative, self-reflective with regard to the ethics of representation, and guided by the principles of intersectional feminism. Her work targets empathy and the places where it’s absent, asking questions about social legitimacy, barriers to access (both physically and socially) and the psychic and material impacts of exclusion.