Could your Smartphone Help Your Mental Health?

In today’s ever connected world, media is all around us. We see it the countless screens we view every day, most without ever thinking too much about. Some have pointed out the possible negative implications to this constant connectivity and exposure to different forms of media, but could it have a positive benefit as well? Consider the most readily available form of technology people carry around with them almost everywhere—your smartphone.


Anyone familiar with the Apple brand has heard the “There’s an App for that!” slogan by now. Could these apps be beneficial for mental health treatment? Could smartphones serve as a support to treatment for individuals living with mental health problems ranging from depression and anxiety to suicidal behaviors and eating disorders? A comprehensive literature study published on the National Institute of Health’s website argues that these could be effective in mental health treatment.

Researchers found 8 papers in which 5 apps where examined in their ability to treat a variety of mental health disorders, four of which included support from an actual mental health professional. Although these studies did exist for review, researchers did not feel that there was adequate enough research to draw firm conclusions and comparisons. The review states that “usability, helpfulness, and satisfaction” were rated as “moderate to high” for the mobile apps which targeted mental health. Also, when adherence rates when reported, they were in line with other methods, and even had retention rates higher than other internet based methods (Donker 2013)

Researchers believed that more evidenced-based studies are needed in this are to really analyze the effect that these mental health apps could have on treatment programs. With our cell phones being a constant companion to many people’s daily lives, it serves to argue that there is a possibility that media applications on those phones could be used to treat or simply supplement treatment by a mental healh professional.



Donker, T., Petrie, K., Proudfoot, J., Clarke, J., Birch, M.-R., & Christensen, H. (2013). Smartphones for Smarter Delivery of Mental Health Programs: A Systematic Review. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 15(11), e247. doi:10.2196/jmir.2791




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