This latest chapter on Positive Psychology was nothing new to me. I have been a long time believer in the power of positive thought, or optimism, if you will. I have been a long time follower of people who embrace the theory of positivism such as Oprah Winfrey, Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra and those who contributed to the book, The Secret. I used to be a downer. I used to have negativity in my life. Not always, but enough. I am proof that you can change that but you need inspiration to do that. It doesn’t just happen.
When I started to have children I needed to do something to make some money while I stayed home. I became a sales consultant for Mary Kay Cosmetics. I stayed with it for several years although I never did turn a profit. I did, however, meet a wonderful group of women who only were upbeat, positive thinking and encouraging to the other women. It was truly a great experience if, for no other reason, than to show me how to be a positive, supportive person.
I started to get involved with Oprah’s inspirational shows, subscribed to her magazine, enjoyed her guests that she had on such as those mentioned above and started reading more on those people. I read The Secret and really stated to live my life and changed my though processes from what I learned. The thoughts and actions you put out into the world will come back to you. And it is absolutely true. You must get yourself out of a negative mindset. If you walk around with doom and gloom that’s what will follow you. It’s the law of attraction. If you want to attract happiness and good things you have the power to do so by being optimistic. Look at your life and say ,”Wow, look at all that I have! Look what I have accomplished.”
I liken this to the chapter reading on optimism. If you’re optimistic about life then your life will be full and you will see it as good. If you’re a pessimist you will look at all that you have or done and see it as negative, you’ll see all that you do not have or have not accomplished. Which would you prefer?
Take that which you have and make the best of it, look at it in a positive light and see how much better things will start to be.
Thanks for comment. Sad to say I have yet to watch any Ted Talk programs but I have heard nothing but good things. I just have not had any time between work and class work. I’ll get to it though. I, also, have not heard of Dr. Brene Brown but I will definitely look into her(?) as well. I’m glad I was able to lift your spirits! Keep your head up!!
Hi Joan, I too have always been very attracted to the new age/self-help genre and love OWN. I really wanted to take the Positive Psychology course here at Penn State but didn’t plan out my credits well enough so it would be unnecessary at this point (but probably an awesome experience). Have you taken the class? I wonder if they have graduate degrees in positive psychology yet.
I appreciate you telling your story. Isn’t it amazing how there are so many gifts along the journey of life if you can expand the perceptual lens to see them? Even in difficult situations – for instance, your time at Mary Kay while not lucrative opened your heart to a new relationship with yourself and the world. How wonderful! And perhaps that would have never happened had you not met those great women. Dr. Brene Brown’s work really resonates for me. You may have seen her specials on OWN or her infamous TEDtalk on the power of vulnerability. The Secret is one of the areas that I’ve yet to explore, but your enthusiasm encourages me to go check it out. It’s been a rough week and your post was uplifting and full of good reminders so thanks for sharing!