Bullying has always been an issue facing kids in school but it seems that nowadays it is becoming more prevalent and violent than ever. The skinny awkward boy who gets his books knocked over walking from the bus, or his lunch money stolen, and everyone thinks it’s a big joke. This torture continues for this child day in and day out with increasing cruelty and the child says nothing to anyone for fear of ever increasing retaliation. He becomes sullen and withdrawn. He doesn’t have friends. He stays indoors doing homework. Sometimes he can hide his outward bruises from his Mom. But his bruises inside never heal. She asks him if everything is ok and he says, ” yeah.” Next year he has braces and pimples and the torture gets even worse. The bullying is unbearable. He has to find different ways of getting to school. He stays later in the afternoon to avoid the bad kids. They find him in the lunchroom and take his lunch. They drag him to the boys room and flush his head in the toilet. He does nothing. He goes to his next class.
When this boy turns 16 his mom finds him hanging in his closet. Why did this happen? How could this happen? Did no one see? Could no one stop this? He leaves a note saying he couldn’t take the bullying anymore. He had no friends. He felt worthless. What types of children are these that could be so cruel and ruthless as to kill the spirit of another human being so deeply that it would move him to commit suicide or to gun down others as in the case of Columbine? But this is realty. These things happen. And something needs to be done. The target of these attacks are usually boys. Girls are usually lees aggressive in their bullying. They usually are more verbally vindictive and spread lies and rumors, posting nasty things on the internet via Facebook or other social media. There needs to be a strong social psychology intervention program developed and implemented nationwide throughout the education system to eliminate this horrific bullying. There must be zero tolerance. The kids who are bullies need to be held accountable for their actions in some way so they can understand the brevity of what they are doing.
I find that most interventions target the bullied rather than the bullies. It would probably be more effective, just like in any other area of health, to take proactive prevention measures that stop people from becoming bullies. Bullies are normally attempting to have control or attention not gained in another area of life. At a young age, children should learn via schooling, proper communication methods, appropriate and respectful ways to disagree, and how to have a positive self-esteem no matter the amount of attention or tangible possessions. I’ve heard of implementation plans that may fine the parents for bullying or fighting. I think this is a great method to have parents become active in their child’s life, by monitoring their behavior more closely. It can be a disadvantage because some parents may unenroll their child or force them to drop out because of the fines.