Social Life vs. Education

Quite often, us as young adults believe that social life is more important than our education, especially while we are in college. I must say I made my fair share of mistakes in college, deciding to party knowing that I have to be up at 7:00 am for class the next day.


An article written in The Guardian discusses how students say social life is more important than studying. Six out of ten students believed that their hobbies wee more important than getting good grades and two thirds of students said that having a good time with friends was as important if not more so than getting good grades. Exam aid questioned over 2,000 middle aged adults in England, most of which were studying for AS and A-levels. Seven out of ten individuals said they found their coursework harder than they anticipated, and 43% admitted to feeling less confident about getting good grades than before they started. Seven out of ten of these middle-aged adults said their social life was equally or more important than their work, but 17% of boys said a good social life was more important in comparison with 10% of girls. This article states that individuals with hard coursework believe that their social life is more important.

My belief is that if you are able to balance your social life and your school work than it’s okay to party as much as you study. There are tons of factors that come in the way when you’re in college – paid work, internships, externships, personal life and then there is school and social life. What many students should understand is what is more important long term? Will drinking and partying land you a job in the future? We don’t look at it that way until we are faced with real world consequences.

Social life more important than study, say students (2003, November 13). The Guardian. Retrieved from


  1. I enjoyed your blog post and Futurama was playing in the background as I was reading this so your meme was perfect! Even though a lot of older men and women may look at high school/college students as having it easy, which I can’t totally disagree with, we still experience stress and time consumption. Being a full time college student with two jobs it is difficult to maintain a social life and there are times when I have to make compromises. Compromises I’m not always proud of.. I guess we just go with our priorities at that moment and if you have been consumed with work for hours or days at a time our prioities become our social life and maintaining our sanity. It was nice to know that I am not alone! Good job!

  2. I really enjoyed the meme you added! And I agree with you that many student in college make the mistake of partying when they have to be up early for class the next day. Sometimes miss class or sometimes show up feeling horrible, not able to understand anything that is going on. Still, those memories are what make college great and unforgettable! As long as the partying stays mostly on the weekend, and responsibilities get done during the week, I believe that partying is alright!

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