Let’s talk about Life!

Have you ever look back and thought to yourself, where did the time go? Well, lately ive been asking myself that question a lot. I feel that I’ve been walking through life blindly, thinking I’m living but actually not. I feel that most times, I’m just going through the motions, and I’m doing this whole life thing all wrong. At this very moment in my life, I often find myself wishing there was a step by step manual of how to get the most fulfillment out of life. With that being said, I feel that I’m not alone in feeling this way. This realization for me is a sort of intervention for myself, but also for others who may need it, or feel similarly. I don’t have it all figured out, but maybe this is a start, after all we have one life in this physical body we are in. We are supposed to use this body as a tool to experience beautiful moments, and make lasting memories that makes our soul smile. Instead we get caught up in other things that, really doesn’t matter in the end.

The first step that I believe is essential to truly living your best life, is figuring out what is important to you, what puts that simple smile on your face, what experiences you want out of life. To each person this part will be a bit different. The easiest way to do that is to write it down. Writing allows you to explore deeper parts of yourself, sometimes parts you didn’t realize were there to begin with. Once that is figured out, you can work on a plan of daily actions you must take in order to achieve these results. Another important thing I have been learning is that it is okay to deviate from the plan. That is apart of exploring the things life has to offer. I also would like practicing to enjoyand appreciate each moment in my life. This will really help with the overall quality of life. It is also important to me to hold myself accountable more, this will help to lead me in the right direction.

These are a few things I want to work on to begin this journey of getting it right! If you guys have any additional tips you think can help, or may have helped you in the past, I would love to hear about them in the comments below.

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