Importance of Organizational Values

An important factor that influences an individual’s behavior is values. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, values are defined as 1. The regard that something is held to deserve; the importance, worth, or usefulness of something. 2. Principles or standards of behaviour; one’s judgement of what is important in life. Values play an important role in shaping how organizations behave and how individuals experience organizational life. Many organizations establish and sponsor value sets that are designed to guide behavior within their organization. Organizational values help employees understand what behaviors are regarded as worthwhile and important within the organization. People generally feel more satisfied working in organizations in which their personal values match the values of the organization.

Using my own personal experience, I have been with my current employer for a little over eight years. At my organization, heavy emphasis is placed on six core values. These core values are:
1. Uncompromising Integrity. This is achieved by the adherence to the strict moral and ethical code of conduct without exception. This is important as the future of the company depends entirely on their reputation.
2. Collaborative Leadership. The company is committed to an organizational culture that inspires all team members to flourish in the achievement of value-driven goals and opportunities for continuous development.
3. Candid Communication. The company values diversity and trust in all aspects of the business. This is built through honesty and consideration in all forms of communication and at every level.
4. Disciplined Growth. The organizations’ vision is achieved through clear and consistent decision making and strategies that produce reliable results for the customers and shareholders.
5. Purposeful Innovation. The organization will always look for, find, and implement unique solutions that improve the business and reward stakeholders.
6. Entrepreneurial Spirit. At this organization, they embrace the drive, creativity, and open-mindedness of the associates. Employees are empowered in the organization to take ownership of business at all levels.

The most common leadership trait exhibited in my organization is transformational. Transformational leadership includes empowerment and dispersed leadership. These approaches can be found in the core values of the company. The vision, mission, and expectations are frequently communicated throughout the company at every level. The organization ensures that all associates understand and share in the same vision. As a result, the organization has proven successful.

A few years ago, my current employer acquired several smaller health insurance companies. They implemented the full integration of the company’s culture, management and business systems which helped achieve a record growth in sales and profits. With the success of the acquisition, they were able to ensure almost 600,000 members in the health insurance marketplace which was substantial to the year prior. These strategic decisions by the company’s leadership also allowed them to inherit a high-ranking Medicare product that is designed to ensure low-income seniors. The goal of the organization is to provide high quality, affordable health care to improve healthcare outcomes. Through this type of leadership, they have demonstrated the ability to execute on growth strategies with discipline and dexterity, while remaining committed to their purpose to transform the health of the community.

In my opinion, the leadership style exhibited by the organization is congruent with the organization’s values. In addition to managing the health care of the members, the organization also manages their economic, social and environmental impacts as well as the relationships in the workplace. Since the organization is striving to transform the health of the community, it is understood that the employees are an important asset. The continued growth and success of the company allow for advancement for the associates. The company is active in working and making a difference in the associate’s lives. At this organization, emphasis on social responsibility encompasses how the values and mission are intertwined in everyday business practices. The company conducts business with the objective of community investment, philanthropic work, staff development, and corporate governance in mind. This is demonstrated through community outreach, the various charitable foundations, and sustainability efforts.

Value | Definition of value in English by Oxford Dictionaries. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Shockley-Zalabak, Pamela S. Fundamentals of Organizational Communication, 9/e. Pearson.

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1 comment

  1. The company you are working for sounds as if they have a strong understanding that supporting their employees means bolstering their own success. Corporations have to remain competitive in order to succeed and to experience growth. Your company was able to successfully navigate multiple acquisitions and grow their market share by 600,000 members! A transaction such as that is executed well only when highly organized and efficient and requires an efficient and highly capable group of employees.

    All the ways in which this company has supported their employees and created a positive reputation for themselves in the workforce, which in turn makes them a desirable employer. Having this advantage allows them to choose highly qualified candidates. Once a candidate becomes an employee, they also are motivated to work well with the team and to perform well in order to keep their position in such an ideal job.

    This is the formula that encourages greatness in employees and results in a company that is able to experience growth and to have an impact on their community and industry.

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