Whenever I have a free moment away from school and work, I like to spend some time online playing video games to free myself of responsibilities. Although it may not seem like much, there are a lot of different factors that bring me, and others like me, together online to play these games. There is also a big difference between the gaming community I am a member of compared to either my school or work communities.
Even though it is harder to develop these key factors or characteristics of a community when it is online, the gaming community allows me to experience four primary elements: membership, influence, integration and fulfillment of needs, and a shared emotional connection with other members (Gruman, Schneider, & Coutts, 2016). Firstly, in games or matches, I am often a member on a team or squad. Here, I am able to get to know others on my team and form connections with people who are of the same experience level as me. This feeling of fitting in keeps me returning to the games. The better I get at the game, the more influence I feel that I have. Others on my team can look to me for tips or directions on plays because of my experience with the game. This helps me to feel like I have some importance in my group. Integration and fulfillment of needs refers to this act of working together as a team to complete our common and final goal: winning the game. By working together and acknowledging each others skills, we are able to be more efficient and effective in our plays. Finally, I can find a shared emotional connection for the love of this game if I am talking to my friends over chat. I can hear the enthusiasm or anger in their voices when we are playing a match. This helps to realize that they are just as consumed by this game as I am.
There is a big difference between my gaming community online and my work or school communities. Although my school community is also online, there is a much lesser urgency to work together or know my classmates. Most of my work for school is independent. In the gaming community, majority of the time there is a dependency on your teammates to help you win the game. In other words, communication is important in order to succeed. It is not hard to succeed in my online classes without the help of classmates (in fact, solo work is encouraged). For work, I am still going in and working face-to-face. With the gaming community, I do get to experience some anonymity. Although I am talking to my friends or complete strangers, they cannot see my face. I can hide emotions whenever I want. Working face-to-face lacks this anonymous ability.
Belonging to an online gaming community has been extremely beneficial for me. Especially during the pandemic, I have found this online world to be a boredom killer, an easy socializer, and an escape from stress. I also enjoy the little escape from reality. I can be whoever I want to be online. I don’t think this negatively affects my ability to communicate with others face-to-face because I am still seeing people at work. If anything, this time online gives me a release from constant pressures and tensions I experience on the daily in public.
Gruman, J. A., Schneider, F. W., & Coutts, L. M. (Eds.). (2016). Applied social psychology : Understanding and addressing social and practical problems. ProQuest Ebook Central https://ebookcentral.proquest.com