My Idea of Coping Mechanism Against Depression

Depression is a standard and serious medical illness that negatively affects how you think, feel, and behave. It will lead to a variety of emotional and physical problems. We all know that dealing with depression is difficult; Sometimes, we may feel like life isn’t worth living. Don’t be discouraged by how difficult your life is. You are not alone. Everyone experiences struggle, just on different levels.

When I’m sad, I think of something I so-called “Happy Thoughts.”  Such as remembering the first time I celebrated my birthday, passed my driving test, got my first car, and became a citizen of the United States. It’s a privilege I will always be thankful for the rest of my life. These are simple memories but memorable because I work hard to earn them. Sometimes I think of what I should cook for dinner. Somehow it brings joy to me when I think about food “who wouldn’t love food?” You must have a hobby that will help you in your daily routine, especially when bored. I want to share that my hobby is singing and cooking. What’s yours?

Listening to music helps reduce anxiety and depression when you feel lonely and sad. Stay in touch with your family and friends, like give them a call. A simple hi and hello will make a difference in your life. When you make a call and someone answers and is willing to listen to you, that’s how you know you are not alone. These will give you a reason to smile and love yourself. Reaching out is not a sign of weakness, and do not feel you are a burden to others. It’s good to stay connected. Just a one-call away!

When you are feeling depressed, don’t turn around and look for alcohol, drugs, or any other irrelevant effects because those are only temporary feelings that will help reduce the pain you are going through. Creating another problem is not going to help you fix the current issues. It would help if you faced your fears; it is the only way to avoid feeling low or anxious. Be more active by exercising because it can help boost your mood, but you must enjoy your exercise.  Facing your fears will help you develop your resilience. To build strength, it must start with you, and it begins in your mind.

Depression is not a part that normal of growing older; we shouldn’t take it for granted and don’t feel reluctant to seek medical help. Do not feel that you don’t have anyone. Go out, meet new people, and start building new friendships. Remember, life is beautiful. There is always hope that tomorrow is another day, and everything will be okay; have faith! “Live happy, stay strong.”



Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. (2018, February 3). Depression (major depressive disorder). Mayo Clinic. Retrieved September 22, 2022,

NHS. (2021, March 2). How to cope with depression. NHS choices. Retrieved September 22, 2022, from

Melinda. (2022, September 15). Coping with depression. Retrieved September 22, 2022, from



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