When envisioning a leader, I imagine someone who embodies strength, charisma, and sociability. One leader who immediately comes to mind is my manager, Carrie. She displayed a proactive approach and consistently maintained open and effective communication with our team. Carrie took the initiative to foster individual relationships with each team member, showing a genuine concern for our well-being. She regularly conducted weekly check-ins to ensure none of us felt overwhelmed with our workload.
Carrie actively sought feedback to identify areas of improvement and what was already working well. Additionally, she placed a strong emphasis on team collaboration and frequently acknowledged and praised team members for their contributions and willingness to step up.
One trait that I would attribute to Carrie’s leadership style is sociability. In the Northouse book it mentions sociability “is a leader’s inclination to seek out pleasant social relationships.” I strongly believe this is the most accurate description of Carrie’s leadership abilities. She radiates approachability, possesses exceptional communication skills, and demonstrates a profound understanding of her team. Carrie is a remarkably kind leader who has the unique ability to transform uncomfortable situations into comfortable ones. She consistently radiates approachability, exhibits exceptional communication skills, and showcases a deep understanding of her team members. In conclusion, my supervisor’s outstanding sociability not only encompasses the qualities I associate with this trait but also reflects her genuine care for our team’s welfare, solidifying her status as an exemplary leader.
Northouse, P.G. (2022). Leadership theory & practice. 9th Ed., Thousand Oaks, California: SAGE Publications, Inc.
A leadership role is most valued because of its sociability. When seeking a leadership role, most often it is someone who is outgoing, sociable and someone who has great strength and resilience. Being a leader it is valuable “be able to communicate effectively, with diplomacy and tact. If you want to get ahead in your career, you’ll need to show enthusiasm and get along well with others.”(Miller, 2017) Therefore, I am a firm believer that a leader is part of the team, they should mingle and understand each level of the company or business, so that the moral is kept at an upbeat and uplifting mood. A leader is a supporter and one who can be extremely versatile.
As for your blog entry, you supported the leadership role with the example of your manager and her sociability as a practice. You gave adequate reasoning and support which gave forth a great explanation. I enjoyed reading through and gaining an understanding through a great example.
Miller, A. (2017, November 21). What are the benefits of having sociability traits in the workplace?. Career Trend. https://careertrend.com/benefits-having-sociability-traits-workplace-6525.html