Modern education targets students to learn things at a young age and then allowing them to use it in their everyday life. It plays a huge role on young kids because once they learn something it is always going to stick with them. If you teach a kid that bullying people is a good thing because you are supposed to think you are better than others, then they are always going to bully people and see no wrong in doing so.
Using techniques such as experimental learning or a systematic approach is very serious. Once something is learned and practiced at a young age it will be very hard for someone to change their way of thinking or doing. It is like being taught that getting bad grades makes you a criminal or puts you in jail. If that is the case then people/students are going to want to always get good grades. Which could seem as a good thing at first. But, in the long run it could ruin someone’s mental and have them worry so much about getting even a little bit below a good grade.
Modern education is used all around. In a website I have read about modern education, it describes disadvantages of this education. In ways like leading to less creativity, lack of social interactions, and even detachment from learning different ways or perspectives on certain things. This could be a problem because like I said above, once something is learned it is hard to unlearn or think a certain way.