Sense of Community

As humans, we all have the innate desire to belong in a group. As social creatures, we all desire to make interpersonal connections with one another. There is one field of psychology that is referred to as “community psychology.” Community psychology is defined as the study of relationships of individuals within a group. The goal of community psychologists is to try to understand how individual and group wellness within a community or a society can be enhanced. They tackle issues such as respect for diversity, member participation, collaborative strengths, social justice, etc.

Furthermore, community psychologists wondered what factors impact people’s experiences in a community. They wondered if they can change how members of a community interact and behave with their fellow members. So therefore, they identified the concept of the sense of community model. According to them, in order to have a positive sense of community, there must be four elements come into play.

The four elements that comprise of a positive sense of community are: membership, influence, integration and fulfillment of needs, and shared emotional connection. Membership is identified as the idea of the boundaries of a group. These boundaries can be considered geographical or social. Influence is defined as the impact an individual has over their community, and vice versa. Is the individual considered to be an integral member of the group? Do they consider themselves an integral member of the group. Integration and fulfillment of needs is defined as how the members value themselves and others as members of the community. Do they have shared values and needs? Do the members identify with the goals of the community? And finally, shared emotional connection is self-explanatory. Do the members share a special bond with one another? Does this special bond they share with one another exclusive only to their community?

Especially with the issues prevalent today, community psychology is necessary as it addresses the real need for people to serve others. The importance of community is very real, and membership of these communities can help people feel empowered. And also, with their empowered members, communities as a whole can make good change that can benefit everyone. And also, everyone needs to understand that in all ways, we all belong in multiple communities. So therefore, everyone needs to understand that we are all interdependent. We do not only have to look out for ourselves, but also for each other.

Gruman, J. A., Schneider, F. W., & Coutts, L. M. (2017). Applied social psychology: Understanding and addressing social and practical problems (3rd ed.). SAGE Publications


  1. Alicia Harrison

    Applied Social Psychology’s endeavor in Community Psychology is a fascinating and, I believe, needed one. Identifying that community impact on the individual is a relatively large one, with consequences such as poorer general and mental health if one does not feel included in their communities. Communities are not only vital to our mental, but also physcial health. According to an article that includes an experiment on community and wellness, it was reported that middle-aged adults report the weakest connection between them and their communities. This makes me think that interventions should be in place to help mend this issue. Most of middle aged adult life is concerned with work and raising children. This does not leave a lot of room for people of this age to socialize as their time is consumed with providing the necessities for their families. This is most, and certainly not the case for all middle aged adults. It would be beneficial to include family events where children can play safely while adults can mingle and chit chat with one another. While I still think our indigenous cultures that worked closely with the land and lived in small villages is actually the ideal (and our modern culture is far seperated from this life style) I think there can still be efforts to maintain face-face connection, but sincere and purposeful effort needs to be applied.

    Michalski, Camilla et al., (2020), Relationship Between Sense of Community Belonging and Self-Rated Health Across Life Stages, NIH National Library of Medicine.

  2. I find the concept of community psychology fascinating. It’s a field that recognizes the power of human connection and the importance of fostering healthy communities. While the four elements of a positive sense of community—membership, influence, integration and fulfillment of needs, and shared emotional connection—are essential, I believe there’s another crucial factor: shared history and collective memory. For example, a neighborhood association that organizes annual block parties and commemorates local historical events can foster a strong sense of community. These shared experiences create a sense of belonging and connection among residents, strengthening their bonds and making them more likely to support each other.

    As the article “Top 10 reasons why Belonging Matters” highlights, belonging to a community can have a profound impact on our mental and physical health. It can reduce stress, improve our mood, and increase our overall well-being. By nurturing strong communities, we can create a more compassionate and supportive society for everyone.

    Engineer Inclusion. (2023). Top 10 Reasons Why Belonging Matters. Retrieved from

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