Community Connections: The Pros and Cons

Were you aware that communities have the power to shape our social and mental well-being? Being a part of a community can provide individuals a sense of belonging and support. However, being a part of a community where there is lack of diversity and inclusion, individuals can feel oppressed and neglected.

When we are talking about a sense of community, we are referring to the degree to which community members feel a sense of belonging or membership in their community and it is characterized by interdependence and attachment to other community members (Gruman et al., 2017). Researchers have looked into individuals and how different factors determine whether individuals experience a certain community in a positive or in a negative way. According to McMillan and Chavis (1986) thoroughly studied the concept of sense of community and came up with four elements: membership, influence, integration and fulfillment of needs, and shared emotional connection. Membership refers to the idea that a community has geographical or social boundaries, and it can help determine if an individual belongs in the community or not. Influence refers to how much power an individual has within a community and how much power the community has over an individual. Integration and fulfillment of needs refers to the idea that individuals that have shared values among each other and help each other can help have a positive sense of community. Shared emotional connection refers to individuals in a community member sharing a bond with others within the community (Gruman et al., 2017). Communities can play an important role in offering social support, connecting individuals, and promoting shared goals and views among individuals. Individuals who feel the sense of belonging in a community have a boost of self-esteem and mental health as they have support, they can rely on from their community.

When I first moved to America, I experienced cultural shock which made me feel like I didn’t belong. It was a very difficult time period for myself and my mental health to adjust to the new culture and make a foreign place my new home. As I tried to adjust to the new life, I found an Albanian community close to where I lived. I started socializing with them and relying on them to help me adjust to the new life and I noticed a boost of confidence in myself as I knew I could lean on my community, and I belonged somewhere. Over the years, I noticed that because of the communities I was a part of I finally started feeling like I belonged, and that America is my home. The communities I belong in are very welcoming and accepting of me as an individual which have empowered me to chase after my goals.

Although communities tend to have a positive impact on individuals well-being, there are some communities that tend to have a negative impact.  In communities where they tend to exclude members of the communities and hold views that may be harmful, individuals are not going to feel a sense of belonging, instead, they may experience a sense of isolation. As humans, we have the tendency to compare ourselves with our peers, which is why it is important for communities to be inclusive and supportive to promote positive self-perceptions.

Looking at communities, it is important that we are aware of what these communities are providing for us. As I stated before, positive communities help shape individuals’ identity and boost their self-confidence which boosts their overall mental health. As individuals, we have to make sure our communities are inclusive and promote a sense of belonging to ensure they have a positive impact on us.

Source: Gruman, J. A., Schneider, F. W., & Coutts, L. M. (Eds.). (2016). Applied social psychology : Understanding and addressing social and practical problems. SAGE Publications, Incorporated.


  1. Hi! I agree with how you said there is a cultural shock and that people tend to lean towards communities that are alike so they can find similar interests. I like how you wrote that positive communities help shape individuals and boosts their mental health. Something else you could consider is showing an example of the negative impact in communities.


  2. The concept of a sense of community, as you mentioned, is crucial for individuals’ feelings of belonging and support. I wrote about a similar topic for my post, talking about the impact social media has on young adults mental health. I focused on the bad side of social media, and how it can be detrimental for our mental health. At the same time though, social can also offer good things such as a sense of community and belonging!
    Your personal experience of cultural shock when moving to America shows how challenging it could be to adjust to new environments and find your place in the community.

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