Jan 24

Drive Less!

Resource dilemmas are issues where individuals must choose between their self-interests and the interests of others (Gruman et al., 2017). An issue that is commonly discussed as a resource dilemma is air pollution. Air pollution is the release of harmful pollutants into the air. These harmful pollutants negatively impact the Earth and our health. Despite the negative effects on our well-being we continue to contribute to the poor and unhealthy air quality that we breathe.

Burning fossil fuels, manufacturing chemicals, and driving vehicles are just a few ways how we contribute to air pollution. With that said, there are ways to implement more pro-environment behavior. A simple one is to drive less since the burning of fuel to operate vehicles releases hazardous chemicals, such as carbon monoxide and nitrogen dioxide into the air (Washington State Department of Ecology, 2023). These poisonous chemicals affect our air quality and can lead to additional greenhouse gases. Along with that, the chemicals that are inhaled can increase your risk for respiratory issues, cancer, heart disease, and more (World Health Organization, 2019). Therefore it’s important to drive less, so we can help reduce the air pollution that is damaging our Earth.

Electric Car: 2024 Tesla Model S

Plus, there are tons of alternatives to driving that enable you to get from place to place, while being mindful of the environment. For instance, you can walk, skateboard, or ride your bike. All of these options are healthy and have benefits to them. More importantly, they reduce air pollutants from being released into the air. Other options include taking public transportation. Although it doesn’t eliminate air pollution, it will at least assist with reducing it. Another option is buying an electric car. Electric cars have been found to improve air quality while reducing air pollution drastically (Tonachel, 2015).

Therefore, let’s put in the effort to drive less, even a little bit helps! Pick a day when it’s nice out and try a different form of transportation rather than traditional driving. Ultimately, by implementing ways that are more environmentally friendly, we are helping to solve resource dilemmas, such as air pollution. So, let’s help take care of the Earth and drive less!

Isabella Slobodjian-Morta Psych 424:  Applied Social Psychology

Gruman, J.A., Schneider, F.W., & Coutts, L.A. (2017). Applied Social Psychology. Understanding and Addressing Social and Practical Problems. SAGE.

Tonachel, L. (2015, September 17). Study: Electric vehicles can dramatically reduce carbon pollution from transportation, and improve air quality. Natural Resources Defense Council. https://www.nrdc.org/bio/luke-tonachel/study-electric-vehicles-can-dramatically-reduce-carbon-pollution-transportation

Washington State Department of Ecology. (2023). Reducing air pollution from cars. https://ecology.wa.gov/Issues-and-local-projects/Education-training/What-you-can-do/Reducing-car-pollution

World Health Organization. (2019, November 15). Health consequences of air pollution on populations. https://www.who.int/news/item/15-11-2019-what-are-health-consequences-of-air-pollution-on-populations#:~:text=It%20increases%20the%20risk%20of,poor%20people%20are%20more%20susceptible.

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