Controversial Bumper Sticker

Proud parent of a child who goes to anti-trump protests

Anti-Trump bumper sticker

This bumper sticker example is the one on the back of my dad’s car. He applied this sticker in 2019 after I went to protests about gun reform as a result of the mass school shootings that were happening. To start of this blog post, I am not here to tell you how to live your life or what you should believe in, I am only here to explain the controversy over this bumper sticker. 

In order to fully understand this sticker you must know the politics behind it. You have to understand first, who Donald Trump is, second, what party he represents, and third, what protest I went to. I’m assuming that we all know who President Donald Trump is and we know that he represents the Republican party. Having that knowledge in mind the first thing you would assume is that the driver of the car and the daughter that is mentioned are democrats who do not like the president. In this case you would be correct, but because of how vague the sticker is you don’t really know what I was protesting. The assumption would be made that I was protesting against Donald Trump himself, which is misleading and inaccurate. Which begins the discussion of why it is controversial. 

The biggest thing about why this sticker is controversial is because it is political. Politics have been a controversial topic since they began. Everyone has their own opinion and views and they are sometimes more different than others. In democratic states like California, this sticker might be more accepted than it would be in my home state of Utah. 

This sticker is completely opinion based. It is not teaching you something about the world, nor is it showing support for any important figure (in fact it is showing the exact opposite). It is not trying to get people to vote one way or another either. If it was trying to do that then it would be more specific about the protest. The basis of this sticker is to show a parent being proud of their daughter for participating in the political world, and to also show their disapproval of the current president. 


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