War with swords evolved to Gun war which turned to Nuclear War, but now it has been taken to a whole new level which is the technological war. Today, the flashpoint is between the US and China, the current world’s greatest superpowers. Almost every human is familiar with the trade war between China and the US, but most don’t know where it all started. So let’s begin, keep your seat-belts fastened because the journey would be a little bumpy.

Credits: Verge

Over the past few years, the world’s two largest economies have imposed tariffs on billions of dollars worth of one another’s goods. The media has been showcasing this issue for decades, but the situation aggravated when Trump’s administration came into the rule. The tariffs spiked higher and higher from both the sides, which kept making the situation difficult.

The D-Day finally arrived!! On May 16, 2019, Trump’s administration added Huawei- One of the world’s largest tech companies- to the Commerce Department’s Entity List, which restricts it from doing any business with any US company without “explicit government approval”. This is a lot bigger than it actually seems. Google immediately revoked Huawei’s android license, which meant ‘No android, No service providers’. Some supported this move by the US, and some believed that this move was nothing but a foolish and childish move. Almost one in five goods in the US were imported from China, and it was a lot more in the service sector, and the Huawei ban started to wear down the trade bridge between China and the US. US’ attempt to show China that it was nothing without the US had been shattered after Huawei made its own Operating System (OS) called HongMeng OS. According to the reports, HongMeng OS turned out to be even faster than Android.

Huawei vs Android

According to the verge (Leading global technology news publisher), “Huawei doesn’t want to build a phone without US parts, but they probably can if they have to. But you can’t say the same thing for US companies. If Apple had to build an iPhone without China or even just stop selling iPhones in the Chinese market, it would be a disaster for the company. It would bring chaos in the entire industry in the US”. The US doesn’t want to admit, but even they know that they may have a lot more to lose than China due to this trade war. Both the nations want this war to end ASAP, but there are no signs of it happening soon enough and it is costing both of them a lot as the war is prolonged.