The objective of this project is to reduce setup times, as well as associated cost and throughput.


Team Members

Garrett Hagan | Julie Daniels | Jacob Demaio | Marissa Bowles |

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Project Summary



Currently, Rand Precision Machining in Falconer, New York must completely reset their CNC machines each time a new production run is begun. This cost an estimated $7,800,862.57 annually in downtime. The repetitive setups also take about eight hours, which decreases the overall throughput of the parts.


The team was tasked with reducing the setup time of ten parts on a Hi-TECH230 horizontal lathe. Other objectives of the project included reduced cost and increased throughput of parts.


  • The team began the project by visiting Rand and creating a detailed list of customer needs as well as a project success matrix.
  • Time studies and value/non-value add analysis were carried out to analyze the current system and search for waste.
  • Interviews were conducted with machine operators and setup technicians to gather ideas from employees who regularly work with the machines.
  • The team created two concepts based on the schedule of production runs.
  • A new concept was generated to change four series inserts to three series inserts to reduce cost further.
  • Each concept was analysed for the overall setup time and cost of downtime from the setups.
  • During concept generation and selection, the concept involving changing insert series was combined with the two concepts involving scheduling.


  • Rand Precision Machining will be able to run ten parts with two total setups.
  • The sponsor will save $3,900,145.95 annually as a result of this project.
  • Setup times were reduced by 26,000 hours as a result of this project.
  • The project reduced set up time and cost, thus increasing overall throughput.