The objective of this project was to design and engineer a system to perform statistical analysis on data received from Road Ready’s telematics IIoT products to identify locations in North America with low cellular signal strength


Team Members

Justin Ruark | Kieren Allison | Douglas Wendelin | Jessica Marquez |

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Project Summary



Clarience Technologies’ Road Ready industrial internet of things (IIoT) devices are real-time telematics devices that are attached to fleet trailers and transmit location and event-based data over a 4G LTE network. Since the devices operate over a cellular network, further investigation and analysis are needed to identify locations with weak cellular strength for improvement.


Our system focused on accomplishing three main objectives:

  1. Be able to intake data and apply compound filtering and searching to the client’s business needs.
  2. Render the filtered data in the form of a heat map. 
  3. Apply statistical analysis and produce charts to represent the relevant data. 


  • Performed preliminary research on client knowledge-domain
  • Extensively spoke with industry mentor to gather requirements
  • Transcribed requirements into user and system requirements
  • Explored relevant frameworks and packages
  • Created prototypes and presented to industry mentor for feedback 


The final outcomes of the system are: 

  • The sponsor can intuitively perform analysis of cellular signal strength by location, date range, and firmware. 
  • The system identifies and visualizes data for use in improving areas with low cellular signal strength.