Sponsored By: Penn State Behrend
Team Members
Bryonna Crowley | Colin Barry | Alex Bosco | Sherman Brizzi |
Project Poster
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Project Summary
Injuries to the Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) are unfortunately common in athletes, however, there is currently no industry-accepted method of assessing whether an individual is likely to sustain an ACL injury until it is too late. This project aims to support research into risk factors that could lead up to ACL injuries by providing a specialized toolkit for biomechanical analysis. In addition to fostering ACL research, this project also intends to bring information about the ACL to younger individuals. As such, this project is composed of two software systems: a research-grade 2D motion analysis system and an educational, interactive application.
The first objective of this project is to take an existing, open-source video annotation software and specialize it for the industry mentor’s needs. This includes streamlining the user interface, implementing automation features, and implementing algorithms and formulas developed by the industry mentor. The second objective is to create an educational game for a K-12 audience that can be engaging while teaching the player about ACL injuries.
- Gathered requirements by talking to the industry mentor and the faculty advisor.
- Explored multiple open-source video annotation options to determine the best fit.
- Procured custom calibration and calculation formulas from industry mentor to implement.
- Implemented with a heavy focus on Test-Driven Development.
- Validated algorithms by comparing results with the industry mentor’s MATLAB approach.
- Storyboarded and prototyped the secondary, game-like application.
- Collected educational information from the industry mentor.
- Reviewed the game with the faculty advisor as a form of acceptance testing.
- Allows the industry mentor to use one application instead of two to perform calculations on tracked points.
- Allows new analysis system users to get started quickly, with an intuitive UI.
- Provides the project sponsor with an educational game to use in Youth Outreach programs.
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