Demonstrate the benefits of natural gas compared other energy facets to grades K-12.

Team Members

Brandon Hutchinson | Taewan Ku | Vincent Nava | |

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Project Summary


Energy education is crucial for fostering a knowledgeable future generation equipped to address energy sustainability and innovation. The project leverages the appeal of STEAM fairs to introduce energy concepts through hands-on activities. Designing an interactive, safe, and educational product that effectively communicates the advantages of natural gas over other energy sources to K-12 sstudents was requested.


The objective of this project is to design an interactive educational product for K-12 students that
demonstrates the benefits of natural gas in comparison to other energy sources. The focus is on
creating an engaging and educational experience that enhances students’ understanding of energy
efficiency, CO2 emissions, and the abundance of natural gas.


 Preliminary Research: Insights into children’s motivations and safety in educational settings.
 Concept Generation and Selection: Ideation and refinement of educational activities focusing on
natural gas benefits.
 Design Refinement: Incorporation of feedback from advisors and sponsors, ensuring the product
meets both educational and safety specifications.
 Experimental/Testing: Prototypes tested at STEAM fairs, with subsequent design adjustments
based on observational data.


Final Product Features:
 Interactivity: Hands-on activities that
visually and physically demonstrate
energy concepts.
 Educational Value: Activities designed to
convey key information about energy
efficiency, emission reduction, and
resource abundance.
 Safety and Usability: Compliant with
safety standards for children, easy to set
up and operate.
 Sustainability and Cost: Durable design
with a life expectancy of over 4 years,
maintaining budget constraints.