The History of Dog Domestication

Everyone knows that dogs were domesticated by humans from wolves a long long time ago, but few people know the details of it.

images-1Modern dog genome sequencing experiments have shown that dogs are originated froimagesm 2 different breeds of wolf, the Gray Wolf and the now extinct Taymyr. The Gray Wolf was common in Europe around thousands of years ago, while the Taymyr was more common in North Asia and more arctic civilizations. This explains why more modern dogs resemble ancient gray wolves more, while Arctic dogs such as huskies, have a closer link to Taymyrs. Canis_lupus_howling_on_glacial_erratic

Dogs began to be domesticated when humans were still hunter gatherers, way before the appearance of agricultural societies. Dogs were used as a tool for hunting. It is thought that the dog came into the world around the last Ice Age, in a very cold, hard time for humans.

Eventually people began to breed dogs to have different traits. That is how we get separate dog breeds. People chosetraits that they liked in the animals and mated them with animals whopossessed the same traits.

images-2Today millions of people around the world have dogs, and not as hunting tools but as parts of the family. Dogs are companions, friends, a smiling face to look to when your having a bad day. They are a part of everyday life.

History of Halloween

Mine and many other’s favorite holiday…Halloween! October 31st, every single year kids dress up scary, cute, or funny and walk from house to house asking for candy, but why? how did this tradition begin? Where did this wonderful holiday come from? Well….imgres-2

Halloween began in an area, which is now known as Ireland, in the Celtic culture. This was around 2,000 years ago, before America was even ever thought of. The day was originally the mark for the transition day between summer and winter. The Celtic people believed that spirits could return to the living this day. They dressed in disguises and that is where the idea of dressing up on halloween originated. The lit bonfires and attempted to tell one another fortunes. They burned food, sacrificed animals, and basically partied all night.

When the Romans took over Ireland, the customs of the two people missed. The Celtics holiday conjoined with the Roman holiday usually celebrated in late October that celebrated the passing of the dead. It also mixed with the holiday that celebrated fruit and trees. imgres

Halloween was never an American holiday until the 19th century however. It all began when a wave of millions of Irish people immigrated an ocean away to the new world during the potato famine. With them, they brought much of their culture. Irish culture quickly mixed with those in America, known as the melting pot of the world. People in the United States began dressing up on the last day of October to scare away bad spirits, much like the Celtics. Trick or Treating was a habit that was adapted from the poor. Back in Europe, on the day that the spirits could walk the earth, the poor would travel door to door, praying for the families of the households they stopped at. In return for their prayers the families would serve them small cakes, like candy. Eventually when the holiday came to America, it became more children oriented. Kids go door to door saying “trick or treat” expecting candy!

imgres-1The Famous Jac O’ Lantern became a thing when the holiday hit the US too. Instead of burning bonfires around towns and cities (which is very frowned upon), They would carve faces into gords, and places small candles inside. This would ward off the bad spirits.

Halloween today is a major, commercialized holiday that profits candy companies, costumes companies, decoration companies, and many more businesses. It is an American tradition and kids around the country enjoy getting all Halloween ready!



The History of the Cell Phone

The cell phone. Almost everyone has one. Everyone knows what it is at least. It is a huge part of everyday life. But how did it get to be what it is today?

The first cell phone (“portable phone”) actually wasn’t as portable as you would think. It was know as a car phone due to it’s large size, because no one could really carry it around in a purse or bag. How cumbersome? Who would ever want such a thing? Then in 1983 Motorola changed the game.  They made the first actually portable cell phone. It was called the “Motorola DynaTAC 8000x”. As you can see from the picture to the left, this phone still wasn’t even close to the phone we have today. Technology still had a very  long way to go until it evolved from this dinosaur, to the slim, snappy iphone we have today.

From when they were created, the sole purpose of the cell phone was to allow people to talk to eachother (not text). Now it’s understandable that the first flip phones did have feature such a voicemail, for if you couldn’t talk at the moment, but overall the only thing they were used for was talking. Nextel came up with the great idea to allow some of their phones to be used as walkie talkies! this helped workers in constructions, field ops, etc., all you do is hold down a little button on the side of your phone and you are connected to the next one, free to have a tiny conversation, or shoot out a little message.

Eventually, as we all know, the cell phone became a smart phone. The first smart phones only included features such as email, but today we know a smart phone can do almost anything. The iPhone is the worlds most popular smart phone. It includes features like Siri, where you can speak directly to your phone instead of typing, email, which is fast and easy to access (you can even access more than one email address on 1 phone), it has games you can download, as well as imessage and texting, music, videos, books, honestly…anything you can think of, you can probably find on the iPhone. The iPhone is created and manufactured by Apple, who every few years come out with a new model that is just a little bit better then the last one.

Now I know I don’t imagine my life without the iPhone, and many other people in my generation can’t as well, but we all have to remember when the cell phone started, and the long evolution it took to get it where it is today.


The History of Breast Cancer Awareness Month


imagesIt’s October! You know what that means…Breast Cancer Awareness month! The official, nationally recognized by the American Cancer Association, in partnership with the pharmaceutical division of imperial chemical industries, in 1985.

The biggest thing to do in October to spread awareness is to wear pink. It shows support for the cause and spreads awareness. The founders started the month to get the idea out there for women to get mammograms. A mammograms is a breast exam that checks for lumps in the breast, and signs of cancer. It is a women’s “best weapon against breast cancer” (according to the American Cancer Association). Now womeimgresn, and men, all across america wear pink throughout the month of October in honor of survivors, fights, those we have lost, and simply as a sign of hope and awareness. Even the NFL, one of the most popular sports communities in the world, dedicates the whole month to being pink! nmsu-pink-jerseys

Now don’t forget the popular pink ribbon! That little symbol began to represent breast cancer in 1991, when the Susan G. Komen Foundation, an organization dedicated to research, treatment, and a search for the cure, began handing out pink ribbons to breast cancer survivors in Time Square. Cleary this symbol caught on and is still today used as the main symbol to represent breast cancer awareness.

In the United States alone, about 1 in every 8 women will develop breast cancer. That’s 12 percent of the female population. Since the disease is so strongly contracted in America, it’s no wonder we dedicate an entire month to spreading awareness for it and encouraging women of all ages to get checked. Death rates for women with breast cancer are higher than any other cancer, besides lung cancer. It’s seriously insane how one disease can effect so many lives. There are multiple ways to take caution from the cancer.

First, be sure to get mammograms at least once every few month, as well as weekly breast examinations yourself. Feel for unusual lumps and if anything out of the ordinary should appear, see a doctor immediately. You may also get tested for the BRCA gene. This mutated gene causes 5-10% of all breast cancer diagnoses. The gene is passed down from generations sometimes, so if you know of any ancestors who may have had it be sure to be extra thorough and cautious. That doesn’t mean if you don’t have the gene that you are in the clear however. About 85% of breast cancer patients have no family history of the disease. Thats a huge number!

Be sure to wear pink all month and don’t forget to try to do your part. Throughout the entire month of october, organizations have cancer walks, bake sales, and much more to raise money. Try to help out, give a little time, and do your part to pay respect for survivors and those fighting the disease.

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