Tag Archives: rcl1213

C.I.- Spanking vs. Abuse Continued..

So I came across this nifty website: http://kidjacked.com/legal/spanking_law.asp

It gives the specific spanking laws for each state. However there is something that i’ve noticed after skimming a few of them, and that is that they are all very vague and broad. Most of the laws include words like “reasonable and appropriate” when describing ways in which to physically discipline your child. I, for one, don’t think this is good enough. The extent to which one parent believes is “reasonable and appropriate” can COMPLETELY differ from another parents. Say you have a parent who has a child that shoplifts and this parent punishes them by smacks on the hand. Now say you have another parent with another child who commits the same act of shoplifting, but what they consider “reasonable and appropriate” is 50 whoopings on the bare behind of a child with a paddle. Heck, in some countries the penalty for stealing is cutting off the persons hand! Now, places like Arkansas and Florida (and some others) are more detailed in explaining what is appropriate/moderate punishment and what is not. These states give details that specify the limits on injury of a child due to physical punishment like “willful acts that produce the following specific injuries: sprains, dislocations, or cartilage damage; bone or skull fractures; brain or spinal cord damage; intracranial hemorrhage or injury to other internal organs; asphyxiation, suffocation, or drowning; injury resulting from the use of a deadly weapon; burns or scalding; cuts, lacerations, punctures, or bites; permanent or temporary disfigurement; or permanent or temporary loss or impairment of a body part or function.”-Florida Spanking Law

I could include other quotes like these, but what I am emphasizing for this blog post is what the majority of the states are using to define their laws. If you take a moment to scroll down the page of the website i’ve provided you can see that most of the laws for the states are rather short and underdeveloped. Then again, it is arguable that something like spanking vs. abuse is a touchy subject because the line between spanking and abuse can be misinterpreted very differently across peoples and cultures. What do you guys think? Should there be one general, yet detailed and specifically outlined law on spanking for the entire country rather than the separated state laws?



wip- Portfolio

I have decided to use Weebly because it seems like a neat website. To be honest, I am still figuring out how to use it and I don’t have a complete idea of all I want to include on it. So far all I have for tabs are Academic Projects (like videos/podcasts/presentations) and Resume. I believe once I figure out everything i’ll put on the website, i’ll split up “Academic Projects” into more specific tabs.

update: Weebly was being problematic so i created my portfolio on wordpress here –>   http://brianamwhite.wordpress.com/



le’ Passion~

Can I just be like “I want to go to Eritrea” and that be my passion blog?

…no? ok it was worth a shot. SO I WANT TO GO TO ERITREA GUYS 🙂


I have always been familiar with Eritrea since i’ve got a friend who’s from this country. My friends name is Eden, and I’ve been going to school with this lovely Eritrean lady since 5th grade. She is ALWAYS representing her beautiful country and showing that she’s proud of where her family is from. Every time we’d have a culture/heritage thing at school she’d wear the eritrean style clothing and bring eritrean food and let us listen to eritrean music…and I must say that I thoroughly enjoyed it all. I enjoyed it so much that she actually made me want to visit the place myself! To be honest i’m not sure what Eritrea has to offer tourist-wise- but seeing pictures Eden took herself and hearing stories about the place and it’s generous people just made me want to visit just because. I wouldn’t go as a tourist, i’d go simply as a person wanting to learn about and enjoy an entirely different culture 🙂


P.S. the fondest memories I have of Eden are when she would curse EVERYONE out in Eritrean! We would be in class (in high school) and she’d literally start yelling some nonsense in Eritrean because someone made a joke about her devoted love for her country. It was all in good fun and she always had the entire class, even the teachers, laughing. These are the funny moments I think of every time I see her around campus (she came here with me, &  literally lives 2 floors below me).

P.S.S. That totally had nothing to do with my passion blog and maybe this post is more about Eden than Eritrea, but in my mind they are one in the same! 😀

passion place #9- A little closer to home :)

Exact-Instructions-Next-Best-Options waltdisneyworld



Ok, i’m sorry. I got a little carried away but…I have ALWAYS wanted to go to Disney World. Ever since I was little i’ve dreamed of meeting Cinderella and becoming a Disney World Princess and seeing Mickey Mouse and all of the other characters and riding the amazing rides and seeing the magic of the castle at night and the fireworksandijustgetsoexcitedwhenithinkaboutit.

You can probably tell by my lack of punctuation how much this place means to me, Lol. Sadly, I was always too poor -___- So no Disney World for me. I don’t even have to explain Disney World to you guys, you know what Disney World is! And for those of you out there who would say something along the lines of “Oh it’s not as great as you might think it’d be, eh it’s ok” YOU CAN SHOVE IT SOMEWHERE ELSE BUDDY ‘CUZ I DON’T WANNA HEAR IT.

I am going to Disney World some day; maybe i’ll take my children when I have the means to do so and stay for a few days 🙂 Either way, I shall relive my childhood and be 7 years old again when I finally arrive at this magical place of wonder and happiness. Thank you that is all I have for today ✌♥

wip- Advocating FIFA World Cup through SONG!! * flamboyant exclamation*

The very first thing that popped into my head when thinking about what topic i’d write about is THIS wonderful music video 🙂
What my link should have taken you to is the Waka, Waka music video on youtube by Shakira. I have always loved this song, from the very first time I heard it three years ago. It is a song advocating for the 2010 FIFA World Cup (Football or “Soccer” for those of you unaware). Everything in the video, from the lyrics to the visuals to the dancing to the actual music, is advocating and representing for AFRICA since that is where the World Cup took place that year. I’m sure some of you are familiar with this song; the lyrics act as motivation for the players (i’ll post a website with the lyrics at the end so you can understand what i’m talking about), while also placing a prideful claim on the MOTHERLAND <3
THe dances everyone are doing in the video as well as the sounds in the music are all indicative of African culture. There are also images of people wearing “This Time For Africa” shirts and shirts with an image of the motherland. There is even a bunch of African spoken/sung in the song (I am not sure which African language). All of this is done in an effort to support and therefore reinforce support for Africa, and for the World Cup taking place there. This song is meant to include everyone, not just the players, as shown by the last lyrics of the song “We Are All Africa” & the welcoming gestures Shakira makes. She is advocating for us to love and accept Africa is good nature as well as creating a motivating and positive mood for those participating in the World Cup. It’s all about support!
I think this is a VERY effective method of advocacy. Why? It’s simple:
-the song is catchy and pleasant/fun.
-a very popular artist sings it, subsequently making the song and the cause popular.
-and it is for a positive cause that is worthy of advocacy.
You can find the lyrics here – -> http://www.lyricsmode.com/lyrics/s/shakira/waka_waka.html

Passion Place #8

Can you guess??

Tokyo-japan-1020091_1024_768 tokyo-japan-crossing-stock1141gate-cc-unruly-julie-photos


Well, if you guessed Tokyo, Japan you are correct!! I know I know, it’s pretty touristy of me to pick Tokyo, Japan as one of my top passion places (especially since most of them have been discrete, breathtakingly beautiful natural places). However, Tokyo has a modern beauty about it, i’d even say a futuristic beauty. I mean c’mon, look at those pictures! Just google some more photos of Tokyo, Japan and you’ll see that it looks like a japanese, futuristic version of Times Square, New York!! There’s everything an overly-excited tourist could ever dream of, all of the attractions (traditional and modern), there’s entertainment, authentic japanese food, night-clubs, Shinjuku (a massive, crowded skyscraper district within Tokyo), strip clubs (winky face), shopping, etc. You name it and i’d probably be willing to experience it in Tokyo, Japan! I’m already working on my japanese. (I’ve been watching Heroes on Netflix and a girl can learn a lot from Hiro & Ando…just sayin’)

…If you’ve never watched Heroes and have no idea what i’m talking about just totally disregard my last statement. Lolol

WIP- Advocating Advocacy

No i’m not really advocating advocacy I just came up with the title on the fly….but wait…it’s making me think now…


Possible Topics:

  • Now I like the idea of advocating advocacy. That’s brilliant!
  • I could advocate the topic of my persuasive essay- no more WMD (weapons of mass destruction)
  • I’d also like to advocate the removal of standardized testing from our education system. We can’t test different & unique individuals all the same & measure their intelligence based on a discriminating process.


  • for my first topic, the audience would be everyone! Literally…everyone!
  • For the WMD idea, my audience would more likely be officials in the govt. & military.
  • The audience for the education idea would be those who mandate such things. I’d have to do more research on that.


  • Well, I don’t know. What I do know is what I will NOT be doing, and that is a paper, powerpoint, or speech. No.
  • Maybe a video presentation? All kinds of creativity doors open up with that choice, and I like creativity 🙂
  • Depending on which topic I choose, I might want one or two partners. But i’d rather work by myself OR in a very small group. I don’t like working with large groups.


  • My goals are simply to reach those (depending on the topic I choose and the audience it refers to) who are strictly OPPOSED to my claim. There’s no use to advocating to those who agree. Therefore, My presentation has to be creative and unique if I want to change someones mind even just a little bit. However, each topic (except the one concerning WMD) requires more research. 


Passion Blog- Good Ole’ Greece

Well, this next place is probably one of the most historically interesting places that i’ve always wanted to visit. I wanna go to Greece! Why, you ask? Well because personally I am fascinated by ancient cultures and civilizations and Greece is obviously chalk full of all the ancienty goodness. I’ve always loved learning about Greek mythology, (this is why I took Comp Lit last semester; we talked about all sorts of mythology and I was eating it all up like  a fat kid with chocolate cake). What better place to learn about and get more in touch with ancient Greek culture than Greece itself? Something tells me I definitely can’t get that experience in a classroom.

Here’s a list of other reasons why Greece is awesome:

  • Acropolis (in Athens).  Wikipedia explains it better than I do, “Acropolis is an ancient citadel located on a high rocky outcrop above the city of Athens and containing the remains of several ancient buildings of great architectural and historic significance, the most famous being the Parthenon.” -well there you have it, I wanna see that.
  • The ancient Delphi is known as one of the most spiritual places in Greece. Seems like a good place to meditate if you ask me. (if there aren’t a bunch of tourists around, idk how it works over there.)
  • Apparently, there are many places to dive in Greece. And if you read my passion blog regularly, you know i’m a fan of water. I’m going to go deep sea diving all around the world if I get my way! (hopefully it’s not just a pipe dream.)

Anyway,  I could go on and on but I think the most interesting part of my passion blogs are the radient pictures I include of the places I wanna go, so..without further adieu 🙂



Persuasive Essay-VERY rough draft.

PersuasiveEssay-VERYroughdraftRCL <– this is my word document w/ my draft, just because below it isn’t double spaced or have colors (like the word document, for organization).


Due to the impending dangers of extreme pollution, extinction, and economic and struggles, we should no longer allow the monopoly and development of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD). Will write/finish intro at the end.

            The debate of whether countries should have weapons of mass destruction has been in consideration since the world shock of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.  Even before then, the catastrophic nature of these bombs was foreseen in the U.S. Manhattan project- seen as an omen of impending mass destruction.  It is common knowledge, taught in schools across America, that the Manhattan project funded the creation of the world’s very first atomic bombs. The outcome was a brilliant, albeit alarming, new mechanism of war that sparked flames of controversy all over the world. Any person on the street can tell you why such a weapon, with a horrific and unmatched power for total destruction, is morally wrong and should not exist. Though I agree with them one hundred percent, I am here to give you some facts about why the production of these weapons should cease and why the already existing ones should be removed & disabled altogether.

To understand the sheer destructive power of WMD, one must first understand how they work. Nuclear bombs are not the only type of existing WMD, they are merely the most recent and most controversial. Chemical weapons can kill a human being in a number of ways depending of the specific toxic effect and how it enters the body. * deciding on placement for these next few sentences * The most significant advances in chemical warfare occurred during World Wars I and II. In WWI, Germany was the first to use a blistering chemical agent that caused some 100,000 deaths and over a million injuries (Hampshire). * placement * The debate of whether chemical weapons should be considered WMD is sketchy, due to the fact that their mass casualty effect can be much smaller in scope than a nuclear WMD or biowarfare. However, with the increase of scientific exploration and discovery over the years we have come across the option of developing an abundance of highly toxic chemicals that can be dispelled over great distances such that they cause the eradication of very large populations (Hampshire). The poisonous effects of chemical warfare are caused by inhalation, ingestion, or contact with the skin. As far as we know there are about 70 varieties of toxic chemicals that have been used or stockpiled for use in warfare. The chemicals used for this type of warfare can be choking or pulmonary agents, blister agents (or vesicants), blood agents, or nerve agents (Hampshire). Some cause long- term conditions, some cause slow deaths, and some cause rapid death; all attack the human body in a different and deadly way. (note: argument/persuasive element  will be added to these paragraphs later.  I’m mostly trying to get all the facts down first for the rough draft)

Biowarfare is another type of WMD, and probably the oldest. It has existed in many forms throughout the years. One of the earliest types of biological warfare included dropping rotting, plague infested carcasses into water supplies. However, in recent history there has been a peaked interest in developing and advancing biological WMD; many more countries participate in this development than chemical WMD development.


Below is an outline of the rest of my paper. I have concluded that I may need to cut something out because my paper might end up being too long (I have a lot to say and a lot of information to back it up). Is there any part of my outline that you guys think is irrelevant or should be cut out?


A)   Brief Background of WMD, how they work, & the consensus. (Takes up majority of the paper, the rest are relatively short)

i)              Manhattan Project

ii)             Chemical, Biological, & Nuclear WMD

iii)           World court consensus


B)   Cost & Resources

i)              U.S. Nuclear Weapons Cost Study Project

ii)             Nuclear Weapons Databook project

iii)           Land Area Occupation by WMD & Total Expenses Paid


C)   Biological Factors/Concerns

i)              Species extinction rate

ii)             Repeat of effects of Chemical, Biological, & Nuclear WMD


D) Moral Argument/Conclusion




Websites used:















WIP- Persuasive Essay Topic

Summary: What are you planning to write about for your persuasive essay? (Go with your favorite idea at this point; your topic may change.)

So far I have been thinking about writing my persuasive essay on the importance of limiting the production and use of weapons of mass destruction.  I chose this topic because I believe that, even though it isn’t the most unique or newest topic, it is still not thought about enough and more people should be thinking about the dangers and consequences of using weapons of mass destruction.

Exigence/Kairos—Why should this essay be written (or—if you don’t have a clear argument in mind yet–why should this issue be explored)? Why now?

As humans, we are the  most advanced species living on the planet, therefore the biggest threat to us is ourselves. There has been lots of evidence pointing to the premature extinction of humanity due to our own action; of course there are many reasons we would be able to destroy ourselves, not taking care of our planet being one of them. However, I believe people don’t pay enough attention to the impending danger of the existing and coming weapons of mass destruction, as well as the very real possibility of them being used for war.


Audience—Who most cares about this issue? Who has the power to change what you are describing (the student body? University administrators? State government? Which section of the population?)

This is a topic that everyone should be concerned with, as it affects the majority of humans living on the planet (though in particular those living in countries who possess or would be targeted by WMD). However, the target of this would likely be the government officials, the President, those who have any large amount of power over a countries military & weapons.

Results—What is the potential payoff of successful persuasion? (Strike a balance between realism and optimism here.)

In all honestly, there may be no payoff because i’m pretty sure anyone with power over this topic has heard all of the arguments for and against WMD. My goal would be to present the against-argument in a different way to get them thinking (provided an essay like mine would actually reach anyone important). In the very likely event that this doesn’t happen, then my next audience would be all of the youth of today (my generation) since we are the future of America and therefore have so much potential to change the future of this country and maybe even the world. (This is something every new generation is told, and even though most students don’t take it seriously, it is a very real claim. We ARE the future, therefore is is OUR responsibility to make any changes needed to benefit mankind.)

Next step—What information don’t you know about your topic but that you should find out in the next few days?

I actually have very little knowledge on this subject, and only have my opinion and the knowledge I started off with about this topic in order to make my opinion. In the next few days I would have to do extensive research about what countries are currently doing now with WMD (developing, planning to use, etc), I should look up the degree of intensity of these WMD (the one’s we are allowed to know about, anyway), and I would also have to explore the possibilities and probabilities of War in the near future in which these weapons would be used. A few statistics about the deterioration rate of Mankind won’t hurt either, just to show how vulnerable we are (this is know for sure, there is scientific evidence that we are “becoming extinct” at a faster rate than any other species to have ever existed, therefore we are becoming extinct faster than we are supposed to (though it is still a very slow rate; nothing to immediately panic about..unless we wipe ourselves out with WMD, Hence my topic.)