
The content and organization (invention and arrangement) of my speech were both very effective in conveying the artifact I addressed (i.e. THON: For the Kids). One of the ways I incorporated data into my speech was through the visual aid that I created. One of the aspects of my delivery that I think was very strong was my eye contact with the audience. I practiced delivering my speech enough times that I knew exactly what I wanted to say. Therefore, I was able to refer to my keyword outline as a guide, without having to read it continuously. That allowed me to maintain eye contact with my audience as I was speaking. I also had very good pronunciation, and I maintained a good tone of voice throughout my speech.

One aspect of my delivery that needs to be improved is my use of hand gestures. I used very few hand gestures during my speech. While I was practicing the delivery of my speech, I did not focus much on using hand gestures, and that is something I should be more aware of while preparing for my next speech. Another aspect of my delivery that needs attention is my use of pauses. While practicing my speech, I tried to speak at a rate that would allow the audience to clearly understand what I was saying while at the same time keeping within the specified time limit. I think that my overall rate of speaking was good. However, I did not pause very often during my speech, and I need to incorporate that aspect into my speech in a more strategic way. Using pauses more effectively in my speech will allow the audience to take in more of what I am presenting.

While working on my next speech, I will focus on incorporating more pauses and hand gestures in my delivery. One thing I can do is to indicate on my speech outline when I should pause or make hand gestures during my speech. As I practice delivering my speech more and more, the hand gestures and pauses will be incorporated more naturally into the presentation. Eventually, I may not even need most of the reminders in my outline. Another thing I can do to improve my delivery is to ask my friends to watch me give a practice speech, and then tell me if I incorporated enough pauses in my speech to allow them to take in all the main points. For the hand gestures, I can give my speech in front of a mirror, or video-record my practice presentation, to see if I am providing natural gestures at the right times during my speech.

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