
A Quick Summary About Myself and this Blog.

Hello, my name is Leonardo Furtado and I am from Brazil! This is my first year at Penn State University and I intend to major in Finance or Business Management in an attempt to become a successful CEO or even a entrepreneur/business proprietor.

Due to the global pandemic and online learning , I decided to take 1 year off studies. During this meantime I begun focusing more on my self (physically & mentally): I embraced myself into outside activities and began to work for a private bank called Itaú. Within this learning experience, I realized that business was just the perfect fit for me: a fast-paced job full of risks.

It was a tough decision to leave Brazil and come study abroad. “What made you come here?”, “Do you miss your house?” These are common questions I am asked when I tell I am foreign. I was convicted that coming to Penn State was the right decision as I am seeking a better education. And, yes, I miss home. Home is home. You know the drill. So I will show a little bit of my home town, Rio de Janeiro, to you guys on my posts.

I am currently enrolled in the Rhetoric and Civic Life course because I believe this is a class that offers comprehensive training in oral, written, visual, and digital communication skills.

During this course we are expected to create a blog which consist of two threads: RCL (discuss present issues in society) & PAS (depictures our passions).

Throughout these couple weeks I will talk about some of my culture and discuss major issues from my home country, Brazil.