When we study crime we oftentimes look at the victim, this study is termed Victimology, a branch of Criminology. Victimology scientifically studies the relationship between an injured party and an offender by examining the causes and the nature of the consequent suffering. Specifically, victimology focuses on whether the perpetrators were complete strangers, mere acquaintances, friends, family members, or even inmates and why a particular person or place was targeted. Criminal victimization oftentimes inflicts economic costs, physical injuries, and psychological harm.
According to Brittanica, Victimology first emerged in the 1940s and ’50s, when several criminologists (notably Hans von Hentig, Benjamin Mendelsohn, and Henri Ellenberger) examined victim-offender interactions and stressed reciprocal influences and role reversals. These pioneers raised the possibility that certain individuals who suffered wounds and losses might share some degree of responsibility with the lawbreakers for their own misfortunes. By systematically investigating the actions of victims, costly mistakes could be identified and risk-reduction strategies could be discerned.
Although the field originally focused on the varying degrees of victim blameworthiness, by the 1970s this preoccupation became overshadowed by studies intended to prevent victimization, to improve the way complainants are handled by the police and courts, and to speed recovery. As a result of these studies, researchers and concerned citizens alike turn to educating particular populations of people who are more likely to have a crime committed against them, women in particular. This is where a major issue lies. Yes, we as a society need to be knowledgeable about what perpetrators are looking for when they are seeking to commit a crime but this does not mean we should turn to solely educating women on how to avoid being victimized and then blame said woman for the acts committed against her.
Many researchers and citizens have good intentions when saying for example, “Wear something less revealing so you don’t attract too much attention” or “Watch the amount of alcohol you consume, someone may take advantage of you”. But what happens when that woman does get raped after a night out with her friends drinking, or a lady dressed in a short skirt and high heels gets sexually assaulted while walking home late at night? Is it their fault that these crimes happened to them? Didn’t we warn them?
Now, I am in no way bashing the profession of Victimologists. It is important to understand the victims suffering and to coach them through the process of healing from the harm the crime committed against them caused but, there does need to be a more productive and/or psychologically sound way of preventing crime without bashing women for what they wear or do. This is where we turn back to the basics, Criminology, where Victimization stemmed from many years ago.
Criminology is so important because it tries to understand the root of the crime, the perpetrator. These scientists study perpetrator’s motives; what they were looking for whether it be for personal pleasure, to inflict fear or pain, or even for the pure thrill of committing a crime and the adrenaline rush it may give them. The study of Criminology focuses on the motives of the criminal and the social impact of the crimes they commit. According to The Balance, they “look at every conceivable aspect of deviant behavior. This includes the impacts of crime on individual victims and their families, society at large, and even criminals themselves,” according to The Balance. Criminologists study elements like the frequency, location, causes and types of crime, then work to develop “effective and humane means of preventing it,” The Balance continues. This I believe is where Victimology stemmed from. The, “effective and humane means of preventing it”.
To be able to understand crime, criminals, and victims in their entirety we need both Criminology, Victimology, and a ton of other social sciences. The human mind, people’s actions, feelings, thoughts, and motives are beyond even the smartest scientists’ understanding. We need many researchers and unfortunately, we need crime and victims too, to be able to understand why crime happens in the first place to be able to prevent it.
We must also understand that having a crime committed against you is not your fault regardless of what you wear, how intoxicated you may be, or even simply not being aware of your surroundings. Nobody deserves to be harmed and we as a society need to find other ways of understanding and preventing crime rather than just blaming the victim to make crime less of the reality that it is in our everyday life.