Penn State Harrisburg, School of Humanities, invites applications for a tenure track position as Assistant or Associate Professor of American Studies and Ethnic/Gender Studies. The American Studies program offers the BA, MA and PhD and has an active public outreach component. The successful candidate will have credentials in ethnicity, gender, race and sexuality. Teaching assignments may include graduate seminars in Race and Ethnicity, Gender and Culture, Problems in American Studies and American Studies Theory and Method, and undergraduate courses in Ethnic America, African-American Experience, Women in American Society, American Masculinities, American Themes and Eras, and Introduction to American Studies. Candidates should have college teaching experience, a promising research and publication agenda in American Studies, and a commitment to university service and outreach. Experience with graduate instruction and advising in an American Studies program is desirable. Ph.D. in American Studies preferred. Degree must be in hand by the appointment date. Please visit our website at http://www.hbg.psu.edu/hum/amst.
The review of applications will begin on October 14, 2013 and continue until the position is filled. To be considered, please submit a cover letter explaining experience and match with this position, three letters of reference, evidence of teaching effectiveness (e.g. syllabi, course evaluations, peer observations), and a curriculum vitae to: American Studies Search Committee, c/o Mrs. Dorothy Guy, Director of Human Resources, Penn State Harrisburg, Box YAHOO-40338, 777 West Harrisburg Pike, Middletown, PA 17057-4898 or via email at
HBG-HR@LISTS.PSU.EDU. Employment will require successful completion of background check(s) in accordance with University policies. Penn State is committed to affirmative action, equal opportunity, and the diversity of its workforce.