University Partners Address Workforce Issues

University officials address worker shortage, solutions in panel discussion - 1

Following up a series of public presentations on university relations to our region and diverse communities, I participated in a well-attended event sponsored by the Waukesha County Business Alliance (WCBA) and the Mayor of Waukesha, Wisconsin. Other participants included  presidents of  Carroll University and Waukesha County Technical College (WCTC) to discuss ways that higher education can mitigate the worker shortage. I emphasized innovative programs through Continuing Education for reskilling and upskilling, and through residential instruction for future-prepared critical thinking and adaptability. I also pointed out the ramping up of dual enrollment programs with the innovative Early College Academy and a new collaborative program with WCTC. In answer to the question of what the region could contribute to our efforts, I discussed solutions to problems of transportation and affordable housing to increase access to the region and public universities. I also referred to technology and the need for partnerships with industry on provision of equipment for students to learn. Unlike the other panelists focused on manufacturing and service businesses, I also referred to the significance of university education for quality of life through support of creative industries and social-cultural work.