Bending iPhones…

Alright I know, I know, its Apple again. But honestly this one was just to funny (and slightly scary) to pass up. Although I still have over a month to wait to receive mine, many users have already gotten their hands on an iPhone 6 plus and are almost at the one week mark with their precious new device. Each year there is always some big discovery about a minor, and sometimes quite major, flaw in Apples design. Remember the whole antenna death grip incident with the iPhone 4 all that time ago. Well this time it was something completely unexpected, so I’m just going to start with the picture.


Yes, it is not an optical illusion, you are in fact looking at an iPhone 6 Plus that is bent. The user who tweeted this picture said that this occurred after a few short days of sitting with the iPhone in their front pocket. After this original tweet social media began roaring with complaints from other iPhone owners about their bent phones.

Now it is at this point that I, as an Apple fan, feel obligated to point out that although there are many reports coming in about bent phones, it is by no means happening to the majority of the new iPhone 6’s. As with anything Apple, it has been blown way up by the media due to the popularity of iPhones, however it is still a large vulnerability that all consumers should know about. Basically what this means is, GET A CASE. I personally am not a fan of the huge OtterBox cases but I still always get a minimalist case that offers good protection without completely destroying the overall look of my phone, like this.

iph6_plus_nh_metal_gold_2 (1)

I would suggest anyone buying an iPhone 6 or 6 Plus do the same. Also I would expect Apple to offer free replacements to all users with bent iPhones in the coming days. This being said, as a (fairly) soon to be iPhone 6 Plus owner, this information is still slightly concerning.


iOS 8: Love or Hate?

Why hello there my enthusiastic readers! Alright so I know this is supposed to be a tech blog, and not just about Apple, but it is just their time of the year and it is almost impossible to find anything interesting that is not all about Apple. So sorry Android lovers, but this will once again be about the Cupertino giant (for those of you who do not know, Cupertino, CA is apple headquarters). However this week will not be about the flashy new hardware, but rather the software.

Today was D-day for Apples next operating system iteration, named iOS 8. As many users furiously clicked to get the latest and greatest or perhaps just hit upgrade by accident and could not go back, mixed reviews have come in. So, lets look at the features. Now to be completely honest, the average user will hardly notice anything different except in the messages app, so lets start there. iOS 8  comes with a new keyboard that looks like this:



What you see here is the same keyboard you are used to, but a new top bar. That bar is similar to many Android phones and is the new face of auto-correct. What it  does is provides the user with different word choices closest (or what apple thinks is the closest) to what you typed in. This is an improvement, but the biggest new feature is that Apple has finally integrated in a quick reply feature that you see in the left picture. With this you can simply pull down notification center from anywhere, tap on the message you want to reply to, and type out and send the message all from the notification center. Another new feature in messages is being able to quickly record your voice and send it over iMessage.

Now other than the messages app there weren’t many leaps and bounds in this new update. They added widgets to notification center with third ;party support, meaning that designers of your favorite app can put a widget of their creation into your pull down menu, but this will take quite a while to really become prevalent. Also there were some health app improvements if your into that, and some new camera features for all you Instagram photographers.

Now, there are the features, and some are pretty cool, so I would suggest upgrading. However here are some warnings if you are going to do that:

  • First off, the update requires a lot of space, especially when installing so you may have to delete some apps.
  • If your phone is jailbroken, DO NOT apply this update. You will lose your jailbreak, and once your phone is running iOS 8 there is no getting it back to any previous versions
  • This update will affect the performance of older phones. If your phone is not an iPhone 5 or higher, I would not suggest upgrading.
  • Lastly, although its been in beta for months, there are still plenty of bugs being complained about, so if you don’t want to deal with having to re-train your auto-correct this update may not be for you.

So there you go, that’s iOS 8 in a nutshell, I hope you are now better informed to do what you desire with that precious iPhone of yours.

RCL 2: Communities

When speaking about biology, a community is any group of different species interacting with one another in a given area. This is important because it involves interaction among different types of animals, allowing the ecosystem to become what it is today. When speaking about human communities, we obviously are not talking about different species interacting, but instead about different types or groups of people interacting with one another. This interaction can be seen all over the world, especially in modern times where moving across the globe can be accomplished in just a couple of hours, and is especially showcased in the book Americanah. 

At the beginning of her life, Ifemelu, is part of her native community in Nigeria, where she is more or less like everyone else and similar to them in many ways. However, as soon as she leaves, she is introduced into some very new and possibly frightening communities. The first of which is the United States. Now in Nigeria she may have felt a part of the community, but after the move she certainly does not. Regardless of the fact that she is a minority, there are some things she simply cannot relate to or understand, for example, why the word fat is such an insult in America. Its just an adjective, but many times it can be worse than swearing. I would say that in her community in America she is more of an observer then a real active member. She does not necessarily like participating in the community, which involves being called fat in the grocery store, but is forced to because she is physically in the United States. As a matter of fact she dislikes her current community so much that she decides to write about it, and share her observations about it with others via her blog.

This brings us to Ifemelu’s second, and perhaps more fitting community. Now the internet is not a physical place but it certainly can still be considered a community, regardless of what biology thinks. In this virtual world many people from all over the planet with all different backgrounds can discuss and share whatever they please. And this is exactly what Ifemelu does, she shares her experiences and feelings about them on her blog. Through commentating on her current community she has found a new one. The difference between the two being that she actually enjoys being a part of this community, and is certainly a very active member in it as her blog gains quite a following. In this internet community she is a very active member, and is very happy to be that member. This is because the blog not only provides her with a way to get her ideas off of her mind, but allows her to connect with other people going through the same situation as her. Her blog allows her to feel like she fits into her little virtual community, and feeling like she belongs is the key to her enjoying it and being able to enhance her community further.

The iPhone 6 and much much more

Alright so today was the biggest day of the year for apple fan boys, developers, and your average iPhone loving college student. Today, Tuesday the ninth, Apple held there much anticipated unveiling event. Per usual the company kept everything under wraps until the big day. So , after a long three hour presentation, everyone was quite surprised by what they had heard.

To start things off Apple did what everyone was expecting, and announced the new, iPhone 6. However they did not just reveal one new phone, but two new iPhone models. Each model will be available on the 19th, and is almost identical to other with a faster processor, a longer lasting battery, upgraded cameras and the new iOS 8 operating system. However the two models have one big difference. The iPhone 6 has a 4.7 inch screen, that is .7 inches bigger than the current iPhone 5S, and the other new model, appropriately named the iPhone 6 Plus has a 5.5 inch screen. Now considering that the iPhone models are essentially the same other than the size of their screen, for the first time the buyer will really have to consider which model to get. Normally when it comes to the iPhone you just say “I want the newest one, its the best,” but now they are equal. Some say that the iPhone 6 Plus is much too big for a phone, as that is almost tablet size, and on the other hand many are looking forward to the bigger screen which could make reading and watching on the phone much more enjoyable. For me personally I am torn as to which model I prefer, and will need to wait to physically play around with the two models before I make my decision. As it is purely a matter of preference, I am interested to see which iPhone 6 model you would prefer.

The other major announcement made today by Apple was that of its Apple Watch. Many companies have already put there devices into the ring, and now it is Apple’s turn to take a shot at wearable tech. The watch is basically an extension of the iPhone, allowing users to view notifications like messages and emails, as well as use Siri without actually taking their phone out of their pocket. There are many more features to the watch as well, but what really sets it apart from the rest, as with most Apple products, is its exterior design, and I will be including a link to pictures of it so you too can see how truly elegant it is. In my opinion this is the best feature of the watch along with its ability to be customized. To go along with its stunning exterior design, Apple has created 6 different styles of wrist bands for the user to chose from as well as an option for a, probably more expensive, gold watch. So what do you guys think, will you be sporting one of these fashionable Apple watches come “early 2015” when they are finally released?


RCL Post 1: The Meaning of Ifemelu’s Blog

Although it is only the first chapter of the book we, the readers, quickly become aware of the importance Ifemelu’s blog plays in her life, as she spends nearly half of her opening chapter talking about it, and always relating back to it. However I do not believe her blog is quite the same as the typical blog. Yes it is true that most bloggers write to express their own emotions or opinions, and Ifemelu is certainly doing just that, but it is the way in which she does it that is unique. First I would like to point out that she does it anonymously. The majority of people, at least in my experience, that write blogs do it to express themselves, but have ulterior motives as well. They want people to see what they are saying and like them better as a person because of it, or at least respect them because of the time that they put into formulating and sharing these opinions. Ifemelu on the other hand, does in fact want people to read her blog, but she wants this because she wants them to really hear what she is saying, not to judge her based upon it, hence the anonymity. She writes a lifestyle blog where, as an outsider to the rest of us Americans, she observes our behaviors and comments on them. She writes about the interesting people she meets and the ideas they have that may seem unique or shocking to the rest of us. Furthermore her reason behind it is, yes, in part because she wants to express her feelings about the things she sees, but also because she wants her readers to be surprised by the things she is talking about. She wants to force them to think deeply about the issues she chooses to touch upon and formulate their own opinions about whether or not the things going on in our world are necessarily right and just. I believe this also provides the reason for her blogs apparent popularity. People, especially those in the blogging community, enjoy reading things that force them to ponder certain aspects of life, like whether it is really fair to judge someone by their size and what they are buying at a grocery store, or whether it is correct that a certain minority, as much as we try to avoid it, is still not necessarily on a level playing field with everyone else. Her ideas are unique and thought provoking, and that is the material a good reader is looking for, especially in a blog. Now getting back to what this blog shows about Ifemelu, is that she still feels apart from the majority of American society. As stated previously, she writes this blog as an outsider, someone who is just observing, and therefore not a part of the group. It is even in her blogs title where she refers to herself as a “non-american black.” Through her blog it almost seems as if she is disappointing with her experiences in America because it is not truly the land of equality she was taught of. Diving deeper into her personality, this blog displays her curiosity when it comes to humanity in general, and why we act the way we do, as she is so inquisitive about these topics that she has enough material to organize it into a popular blog. She is down to earth, not living in some fantasy of the American Dream or what not, she sees people for who they are through their actions because, after all, actions are what show a persons true character, and her action of writing this blog, at least in part, tells us about her character.