The Beagle: Energized Pups

While they might be small, Beagles are very active companions for adults as well as kids. Beagles tend to be fun-loving and merry but they can also be stubborn which makes for having to make some patient and creative training techniques. Their noses guide them everywhere in life, so they are excel at hunting and tracking small animals, like rabbits.

Fast Facts:
Beagles come from the Hound Dog breed group and they range from one foot to one foot, three inches tall at the shoulder. They are relatively small, weighing from eighteen to thirty pounds. A healthy Beagle can live from ten to fifteen years so make sure to keep your precious Beagle happy and healthy.


Unlike many other dog breeds, the Beagle’s origin is uncertain. There are many theories of where the Beagle came from, but no certain one. Some believe that the Beagle may have come from the French word “begueule” meaning open throat or “beag” from the Old English word meaning small. The Beagle possibly dates back to 400 BC from Greek documents that describe Beagle-like dogs hunting rabbits. Beagles became popular in England very early. Elizabeth the First who lived from 1533 to 1603 was said to keep packs of Pocket Beagles that were only nine inches tall. These dogs were also used for hunting but soon they stopped being used as hunters and were used more for their looks. Once Americans started breeding them, they wanted the Beagle for their good looks. Americans also bred the Beagle to be smaller so that they would be better at hunting rabbits. The American Kennel Club and the Beagle speciality club were both founded in 1884 and in 1916, the Institute Foundation that maintains the National Beagle Club was made.


Beagles can be very gentle, funny, and sweet which makes for a great family dog but they can also be very difficult because of their bad behavior. Beagles are very intelligent which makes it very hard to train and manage the dog. Like other dogs, it is very important to socialize your Beagle early, to different people, sights, sounds, and experiences, as young as possible.  Beagles are a good family dog because they are able to bond with everyone in a family, even children as long as they are properly socialized. While Beagles might be “mouthy” and tend to grab at things, they only do this for fun and can be trained not to do it.

Snoopy the Beagle
One of the most famous cartoon dogs just so happens to be a Beagle: Snoopy from Charlie Brown. While many people think that Snoopy does not look like a Beagle, Snoopy is a true Beagle through and through. Beagles are full of energy, are very musical, have a big appetite, tend to be lazy, but are also very loving and intelligent. All of these adjectives go perfectly with the famous dog. One of the most important qualities of Beagles is that they are loyal. This quality is seen very clearly with how Snoopy acts toward Charlie Brown: a match made in heaven.

As always, remember that dogs are always up for adoption. Maybe you, a friend, or your grandparents, are looking for a nice companion, so go ahead and adopt! If you are looking for a beagle specifically, visit this site for more information. 

Service Dogs: Here to Help

Service dogs are dogs that are trained to perform a specific task for people who have disabilities. A person can get a service dog for various tasks depending on the disability. Service dogs can help in navigating people who are hearing and visually impaired, they can assist someone who is having a seizure, they can calm people with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, and some dogs can even call 911 in an emergency. Many people depend on service dogs to help them in their everyday lives.

Service Dogs Under Federal Law

Service dogs are protected under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). This law states that an individual with a disability is entitled to a service dog to help them live their lives normally. The ADA allows people to bring their service dogs in most public places, like restaurants, hotels, housing complexes, and air travel. One of the most important parts of this law is that the dog is trained to be a working animal, not a pet. Service dogs go through a long training process and are specifically trained to help those who need it. The ADA has a specific definition of a disability that states that a disability is a physical or mental impairment that limits one or more major life activities of such individual.

Identifying Service Dogs

Service dogs are usually wearing some type of vest and a tag to identify that they are a service dog and is helping another person. Many businesses and airlines also require an identification card or vest that specifically indicates that the dog is a service dog and not just a pet.

Disabilities that May Require a Service Dog

A disability can be physical, neurological, respiratory, digestive, circulatory, or reproductive. Not every disability requires a service dog but here are some that allow for one:

  • Mobility Issues (Including Paralysis)
  • Sensory Issues (Blindness, Hearing Loss, etc.)
  • Diabetes
  • Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
  • Cancer
  • Autism
  • Epilepsy
  • Bone and Skeletal (Such as Osteoporosis, Scoliosis, etc.)
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

There are three types of service dogs: hearing, guide, and service dogs. Guide dogs help those who are blind or visually impaired. Hearing dogs help those who are deaf or hard-of-hearing. Service dogs assist those with a disability, like those who use wheelchairs, have balance issues, or other medical issues.

Training of Service Dogs

Making a dog a service dog is a very long and arduous process. Dogs must be able to perform their tasks on command and perform the skills that are required for the Assistance Dogs International Public Access Test which is a series of objectives designed to evaluate the dog’s behavior in distracting environments. Organizations who train these dogs have very high standards and many dogs do not actually pass the final requirements to be placed with an owner. The dropout rate for organization-trained service dogs can be as high as 50 to 70 percent. This is important because the ADA regulations state that service dogs must be under control and house-trained at all times in a public setting. Dogs training to be service dogs usually take two years of training from organizations. It is very serious and very difficult for a dog to get through.

Here are some things to know if you see a service dog in public:

  • A service dog in public is always working.
    • a service dog is doing vital work for their owner so it is important to not distract the dog. This includes petting, using baby talk, crowding the dog, or touching the dog at all unless the owner says that it is ok.
  • Not all service dogs are the same.
    • they do not all look alike or are they the same breed.
  • A service dog is considered medical equipment.
    • a person would never walk up to someone that they didn’t know and start pushing their wheelchair, their heart monitor, or their cane, so it is important to not touch, talk to, or pet a service dog that you do not know.
  • A service dog is protected under the law.
    • the ADA states that a service dog can go anywhere in public places.
  • Never ask a person why they need a service dog.
    • Although you might be curious, it can offend people if you ask and it can be considered rude. A person does not have to explain why they need a service dog to anyone that is not an official who needs the information to make sure that the dog is a legitimate service dog.

Service dogs are truly remarkable animals so be sure that if you see a service dog in public to not pet the dog or distract the dog from its work. Always treat service dogs as well as their owners with the respect and privacy that they deserve. If you would like to learn how to train your dog to be a training dog, you totally can but it will take a very long time.


Yorkies: Small but Feisty

The Yorkshire Terrier is the most popular toy dog breed in the United States. It is so popular, not only for its obvious cuteness, but for its feisty but loving personality. Yorkies are very devoted to their owners and are perfect for apartment living as well as house living.

Fast Facts:
Yorkies are companion dogs so they love to be with people at all times. They are very small, ranging from 8 to 9 inches tall at the shoulder and they only weigh 4 to six pounds which is very petite. Their lifespan is a nice and long 12 to 15 years so this dog can be part of your life for a good amount of time.


The Yorkshire Terrier that we know and love today was not always was it was. It all started with the Industrial Revolution in England when Scottish workers came to Yorkshire, a town in England, to work in the coal mines textile mills, and factories. These workers brought dogs with them known as a Clydesdale Terrier. These dogs were much bigger than the Yorkshire Terrier and was used to catch rats in the mills. The Clydesdale Terrier was then most likely bred with other types of terriers in England which then resulted in the Yorkshire Terrier. The Yorkie was a small dog with a long blue-gray coat that became famous through many dog shows. The Yorkshire Terrier was registered in the British Kennel Club stud book in 1874 and the first Yorkshire Terrier breed club formed in England in 1898. The earliest record of a Yorkshire Terrier being born in the United States in 1872.


With the perfect combination of endearingly small size and adventurous spirit, the Yorkshire Terrier is also smart and self-assured. However, your Yorkie’s personality comes all from how you train and socialize them. If you set limits and train your Yorkie well, then they will be a wonderful companion but if you do not train them well, you are in danger of having a very spoiled dog. Yorkies need very early socialization which includes exposure to different people, sights, sounds, and experiences when they are young to make sure you have a friendly and well-rounded dog. Also, it is important to know that all Yorkies have very different and unique personalities. Some can be cuddly and perky, showing love and affection to their owners while others can be mischievous, outgoing, and up for anything. If you are looking for a certain personality, try to see how the puppy interacts with you the first time you meet them.

Terry the Yorkie:

Everyone knows the 1939 film, The Wizard of Oz. While the main characters are Dorothy, the Tin Man, the Scarecrow, and the Lion, there is one character that steals the show: Toto. Toto is the black Yorkshire terrier that played Dorothy’s faithful companion and friend. The dog that played Toto is Terry who had a very interesting life. Terry was said to be born in 1933 in California where he was adopted by a married couple who had did not have the capacity to train Terry in any way. The couple then sent Terry to Carl Spitz who was a dog trainer as well as trained dogs for show business. When Spits called the couple to get Terry back, they never payed the bill or even picked Terry back up. With this, Spits took terry in as his own and started to take Terry to all types of auditions. Terry’s first movie was Bright Eyes which was a movie starring Shirley Temple. After five different films, Terry got the part of Toto in the Wizard of Oz. Terry excelled on the set and connected with Judy Garland so well, especially when she was singing. Terry was paid $125 per week which was more than what the actors who played the Munchkins received. Terry received amazing reviews and even got his name official changed to Toto at the end of the film.

Looking for a feisty Yorkie to brighten up your life? Check out all of these adoptable puppies!

Samoyed: The Snowball

The strong-willed and smiling Samoyed is a very hard-working dog; it can do many jobs. They can pack hike, track, and even warm their owners by sleeping on top of them at night. While they are very serious about their jobs, the Samoyed they are very friendly, gentle, and devoted family dogs.

Fast Facts:
The Samoyed Breed is a working dog breed so they are bred to be ready to work. They range from 1 foot, 7 inches to 2 feet at tall at the shoulder. They also range from 50 to 60 pounds making them a pretty solid dog. They have a nice long life span of 12 to 14 years so this dog will definitely be a big part of the family.


The Samoyed was originally bred to hunt, herd reindeer, and haul sledges for the Siberian Samoyede people. Instead of treating the dogs just as working dogs, the Samoyede people treated the dogs very kindly and even brought them in to join the family at the end of the day. Because of this closeness between the dog and the people, it created a sense of loyalty and trust in the breed that still remains to this day. These dogs went through Siberia at the end of the 19th and early 20th century to pull sledges on polar expeditions. These missions were very hard for the dogs but they endured it, making them the one of the strongest and fittest dog breeds. The original Samoyed Club of America was organized in 1923 which was the same year the American breed standard was adopted.


The Samoyed is intelligent, gentle, and loyal as well as friendly and loving to its family, even children, which makes them great watchdogs. Samoyeds thrive on being part of a household and love the hustle and bustle of the family lifestyle. With this, the Samoyed does not like being alone and is not the type of dog that can be left alone in a kennel or a backyard.  Samoyeds, while being good with people, are still hunters at heart so they are very likely to chase after animals that seem like prey so it is important to keep them fenced in a yard. As usual, it is very beneficial to socialize the dog at a very early age to make them the best dog possible.

The Smiling Samoyed

Samoyeds are very unique because they look as if they are smiling because of the upturned corners of their mouth. Aside from being very cute, these feature has a very practical use; the mouth’s upturned corners keep the Samoyeds from drooling, which then prevents icicles from forming on their face.The smile of the Samoyed perfectly fits because they are known for being very happy and good-natured with only love to give to the people around them.

Samoyeds in the Snow

Samoyeds were specifically bred to be able to work in the world’s coldest places. For example, the Siberian town, Oymyakon, regularly goes down to temperatures of -60 degrees. Their legendary white fur, aside from being beautiful, is also thick enough to protect themselves against brutal conditions.

If you want a dog to keep you warm at night and protect you from unwanted prey, adopt a Sammie right now!

Golden Retriever: The Friendliest Dog

The Golden Retriever is one of the friendliest dog breeds which makes them a wonderful family dog. This breed is also very smart and strong, making them a very capable working dog. They are very well-rounded because they are hunting dogs, drug-sniffing dogs, therapy and guide dogs. Golden Retrievers are also very athletic and do well in agility activities as well as obedience.


Fast Facts:
Because of their athleticism, Golden Retrievers are in the Sporting Dogs breed group. Their height ranges from 1 foot 9 inches to 2 feet at the shoulder. They also weigh from 55 to 75 pounds so they are a pretty solid dog. Their lifespan is 10 to 12 years so make sure to take care of your pup for those years.


It was a legend, for many years, that the Golden Retrievers descended from Russian Sheepdogs from a circus. But in actuality, the breed was developed in Scotland at the estate of Sir Dudley Majoribanks who was later known as Lord Tweedmouth. Tweedmouth wanted to make the perfect dog by breeding all types of different dogs together. He was interested in making a dog that would have a great nose for hunting as well as be very attentive to his or her human companion. Aside from being a good hunting companion,Tweedmouth also wanted the dog to be very loyal and even-tempered in the home so they could be around children. The Kennel Club in England recognized the Golden Retriever as an actual breed in 1911 and they were classified as “Retriever-Yellow or Golden.” In 1920, the breed name was officially changed to the Golden Retriever. Today, the Golden Retriever is the second most popular breed in the United States.


The Golden Retriever was bred to work with people and is always eager to please their owner. They are very hard-wired and disciplined but must be well-raised and well-trained to make the most of their hard-working genes. Like all the other dogs that were talked about in this blog, the Golden Retriever needs early socialization of many different people, sounds, and experiences when they are young to ensure that they grow up to be well-rounded and good around people. Golden Retrievers are built for action and love being outdoors. They like to hike or jog and playing fetch outside, because true to their name, they love to retrieve. It is important to give a Golden Retriever a good 20 to 30 minutes of exercise twice a day so the dog will be mellow for the rest of the day. If the dog does not get a proper amount of exercise, they will have too much energy and it can lead to behavioral problems.

Golden Retrievers with Children

It is very common for Golden Retrievers to be part of a family with children. While they do love to be around children, they are very large and strong and can easily knock over a small child by accident. With this, a Golden Retriever has to be socialized early to be around children and learn how to interact with them. It is also important to teach children how to approach and touch the Golden Retriever. Interactions between dogs and children should be supervised at all times to make sure there is no biting or ear or tail pulling from either party. Golden Retrievers, aside from liking children, also like other dogs. They can also be trusted with cats, rabbits, and other small animals with proper introductions and training.

If you want a friendly companion, adopt a Golden Retriever now!