2022 Brandywine-SAP Cybersecurity Conference on September 9th, 2022
The PSU-BW Next-Gen Lab is a vehicle that fosters innovation and creativity, while offering students a chance to connect with companies for both experience and recruitment purposes. Inspired by the University Alliance program of SAP, the Next-Gen Lab is geared to clients of any size whose challenges or goals can be assisted by university resources. While complementing Brandywine Boost’s entrepreneur-supporting initiatives, PSU-BW Next-Gen Lab can take on projects for companies well beyond the entrepreneurial stage with an expanded geographic reach enhanced by our collaboration with PSU’s Applied Research Lab (ARL). The PSU-BW Next-Gen Lab offers students opportunities that will encourage responsible, productive, and research-based skills that directly apply course concepts in action. PSU-BW students will work under faculty supervision to solve client problems using information technologies, business strategies and engineering techniques, among others, in innovative ways to promote competitive advantage for the client’s organization.
As of 26 July 2018, the PSU-BW Next-Gen Lab has been designated as a SAP Next-Gen Lab. SAP Next-Gen Labs at universities foster connections between academic thought leaders, researchers and students from the university, and the SAP ecosystem including SAP customers, startups, tech community partners, venture firms, purpose driven partners, and digital innovation experts from SAP and its partners. The PSU/SAP partnership will enable Penn State (PSU) to offer students opportunities to encourage responsible, productive, research-based skills that will directly apply course concepts in action.