Delaware County Citizen Corps

The Delaware County Citizen Corps is a volunteer group that works with the Delaware County Department of Emergency Services. They are currently seeking volunteers to staff the Federal Medical Station set up at the Glen Mills School.

This is a 250 bed location to house patients who do NOT have covid-19, who are too ill to be discharged from the hospital but who don’t need critical care.

Organizers are looking for support, administrative and logistic staff, and you can sign up at the website for the Delaware County Citizen Corps.


Health profession schools’ updates about covid-19 and applications

Please check at the links for information about applications this year for medical schools, dental schools,  and PA schools. Some schools, for instance, will be accepting pass/fail grades for this spring semester, but you have to check each school you’re planning to apply to! There may also be information about the standardized exams.

coronavirusOsteopathic Schools (DO)

Medical Schools (MD)

Dental Schools

PA schools

Resource hub for AMCAS (MCATs)


Committee Letters

You can obtain a committee letter from the PreHealth Advising Office at UP. Check at the link for information about obtaining a committee letter. There are rules!!! You must follow the rules!! at this link.

The letters will be based on a Zoom meeting rather than in person. You must request an interview date by called either 814-863-3889 or 814-865-7620.

Important information about SA/UN grades for Spring 2020 for Pre-Health Students

This statement is taken from the PSU  PreHealth Advising website


Spring 2020 Grading Scheme Update:

  • The policy is still being developed.
  • Students may opt to receive quality (letter) grades OR utilize the satisfactory/unsatisfactory grading option for the Spring 2020 term after seeing their grade for the semester.

What does this mean for me as a pre-health student? 

As the Spring 2020 semester progresses with courses being taught remotely, combined with the news that Penn State students will have the option to complete courses using a modified satisfactory/unsatisfactory grading option, pre-health students and advisers are wondering what this means for completeing pre-health pre-requisite courses. The PSU Pre-health Office is monitoring communications from health professions schools regarding whether SA/UN grades will be accepted in place of letter grades for pre-req courses, and will share relevant updates as they become available. Please keep in mind that the Penn State grade policy has yet to be finalized and may still undergo some changes.

If you are wondering about completing courses as SA/UN, keep this in mind: as a pre-health student, you are going to face tremendous challenges in a health professions school, residency, and medical practice where you will not have the SA/UN option. You will have to perform in situations where human well-being is the priority, not a grade. You will be required to operate under unexpected stress, such as during an acute emergency or extended pandemic. As your pre-health advisers, we encourage all pre-health students to endure and persevere. Stay motivated and remain focused so you can perform your at your best. Strive to complete Spring 2020 courses for a grade; doing so will minimize/eliminate any potential confusion about whether schools will accept the courses. While it is uncertain how SA/UN grades will be evaluated, a SA/UN grade will likely not be factored into your science GPA.

In the end, though, some students might face unavoidable obstacles to continued academic success. The Penn State Pre-health Advising Office is here to support students in navigating the remainder of this semester and beyond. If your personal wellness or grades suffer from any aspect of the remote learning experience, or if you have any remaining questions or concerns, please reach out to us for assistance. Our best wishes and thoughts are with you all!

PA program listings

If you are interested in applying to become a physician assistant, you will need to do some research on what classes you need to take. Each program has different requirements for both classes and the amount and type of clinical experience required. This LINK will take you to and their list of PA programs.

Please note programs that are either applying for accreditation or are provisional: I DO NOT RECOMMEND APPLYING TO THESE PROGRAMS. Usually applications for accreditation or provision accreditation are pro forma, and the programs will be accredited. This has not been the case recently. Several programs have had to shut down recently because they failed the accreditation process.



Med Prep – Virtual Sessions!! March 18th 12:15 pm and March 19th 12 pm

First-year and sophomore students exploring medicine, dentistry, and podiatry will be familiarized with the coursework, experiences, and skills these health profession schools require of their applicant.

You must register and complete a survey to receive the slides for the presentation and to get a prehealth referral. Both sessions are the same!

Register here for March 18th session

Register here for March 19th session