Welcome to the Control and Automation for Intelligent Systems Lab!
Research in the Control and Automation for Intelligent Systems Lab focuses on developing, analyzing, and applying control theory and artificial intelligence to improve the safety, flexibility, and performance of complex, dynamic systems, such as manufacturing systems.
Please check out the research page to read about our work in three core areas: (1) complex, dynamic systems, (2) control and automation, and (3) artificial intelligence; the CAIS Lab page to find more details about the lab facilities and softwares; the publications page to check out our most recent publications; the news page to read the latest news from the lab; and the openings page to find out about opportunities available in the lab.
For more information, please contact:
Dr. Ilya Kovalenko
Email: iqk5135 (at) psu (dot) edu
Location: 236 Leohnard Building