Accelerator Rap! Materials For Families and Caregivers

The Accelerator Rap! platform for entrepreneurship education includes many activities that kids can do with parents or caregivers. Both a smart phone app to spark at-home adventures in entrepreneurship for families and digital badges for kids are in the works. And watching the Accelerator Rap! animated music videos that features founders from non-dominant backgrounds and teach practices of entrepreneurship is a great starting point for exploring entrepreneurship with the kids in your life.

You don’t need to be an entrepreneur to learn about entrepreneurial practices with your family. With a few helpful tips to guide you, you can find opportunities for innovative entrepreneurship right in your home and neighborhood. Get ready to explore, start asking questions about the things you notice, and encourage your child to innovate!

Activities and Tips to Support Innovative Entrepreneurship with Your Child

Why Exploring Innovative Entrepreneurship with Your Child Matters

Big ideas and core concepts about Innovative Entrepreneurship