Alberto C. Cruz Mendoza (he/him)

Alberto C. Cruz Mendoza

I am a PhD student from the Ecology Program in Penn State UniversityIm interested in reptiles, amphibians, avian ecology and conservation, particularly how abiotic and biotic factors affect the population and community dynamicsI did my bachelor’s degree in Wildlife Management at the University of Puerto Rico, where I studied the behavioral ecology of the Puerto Rican Parrot and the climate impact on amphibian communities. During my transition to my master’s degree on the same institution, I researched the natural history of some reptiles in Puerto Rico. Then, I focused mmaster’s research on identifying the habitat use of a generalist and opportunist avian species before and after the impact of Hurricane Maria in Puerto Ricothis to improve the success of the Puerto Rican Parrot conservation project. And now, mPhD research still in preparation, but in general is how pollination processes influence subsequent frugivory processes.


1. Anolis poncensis_Reproduction Behavior

2. Anolis evermanni_Sap Feeding

3. Effects of Hurricanes Irma and Maria on Abundance and Occupancy of Margarops fuscatus (Pearly-eyed Thrasher)in the Luquillo Experimental Forest Puerto Rico