“The power of the arts lies in their unique ability to enrich our human experience by eliciting reflection, emotion and creativity. Regarding a painting connects us to deep thoughts about our lives. Listening to inspiring music brings us joy. And learning to create a clay sculpture reminds us of flexibility in problem solving. Each of these experiences in uniquely human, and each result is related to our health and well-being. When we experience the impact of art, there is seldom one clear feeling or result: we float between curiosity, uncertainty, and satisfaction. These in-between areas of life are where we find ourselves when we are receiving healthcare, and even when we are providing it. There is an invaluable space for art in our health and well-being.”
Claire de Boer, NOAH Board of Directors
The Penn State College of Medicine Center Stage Arts in Health is dedicated to creating a healthcare environment that integrates the positive power of art, music and creativity across our medical community.
More than 100 people from around the state registered for the event. The symposium was also attended by several NOAH Board Members from across the country. Individuals represented state arts agencies, educators, artists, arts managers, art therapists, music therapists, child life specialists, chaplains, medical students, nurses, medical residents, patients, volunteers, science researchers, hospital administrators and development personnel.