How Far Is Too Far: The Human Centipede

As a film fanatic, I have to be open to all films. I’ll give them all a shot. I’m a huge fan of horror films. There’s never too much gore, supernatural powers or pyscho killers–at least I thought. A few years ago, my friend and I decided to give the Human Centipede a shot. “What’s all the fuss about?” we thought. Could it really be that bad? I definitely heard bad things about it but I could handle any horror movie so I gave it a shot. Bad idea. The movie definitely is a horror show and you definitely have to watch the whole thing. As much as you want to, you just can’t shut it off half way through, although you know you should. After the movie finished, we sat there on the couch in utter shock at what we just watched. Scarred for life, we swore we’d never speak of that movie again. Everything about the film was disturbing–the title itself should make you shudder. I would go into detail about the content but I want to spare my audience. Anyway, a few days ago my friend and I were sitting in her dorm when we came across the topic of the Human Centipede. For some reason, my friend suggested we watch the sequel and for an even stranger reason, I thought this was a great idea. I’d swore I’d never watch the first one again but I couldn’t turn down the opportunity–could it really be much worse than the original? So we watched it. Suggestion: do not do this. My friends and I sat in the dark watching the movie spending the majority of that time cringing, screaming, and gagging. Yet, we never thought to turn it off. The sequel to the Human Centipede deals with a man who is obsessed with the first movie and tries to reenact it. The movie was all sorts of messed up. There was not only gore, but also frightening and crude scenes including the gruesome death of an infant and rape. What was really frightening about the whole thing was that it makes the audience think that something like this could actually happen. In my opinion, this movie should have never been made. Film is an artistic and expressive outlet but honestly, this film just proved to be distasteful. Film is an expression and normally I wouldn’t argue there should be a limit to what you can create on film but the Human Centipede is an exception. Good news: in 2014, the Human Centipede: The Final Sequence is coming out! Who’s excited?! I can’t believe they keep making these films but I shouldn’t be surprised. As much as we hate to admit it, film’s like this intrigue us no matter how absurd they are. Our curiosity it what allows these films to continue, that’s just human nature! Hey, a few years ago I said I’d never watch the Human Centipede again but I found myself watching the sequel earlier this week. However, next time I’ll think long and hard if I’m ever given the opportunity to watch the final movie. If you’re new to horror films, let me give you some advice, don’t start with this one.

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One Response to How Far Is Too Far: The Human Centipede

  1. bwk5252 says:

    I love watching all genres of movies, and I’ve seen the trailer for “The Human Centipede” several times, but I have never watched movie itself. It does seem like it’s gone a bit too far. I miss horror movies like “The Shining” and “The Sixth Sense”. Sometimes, a more modern horror movie is entertaining, but it definitely does not have the same feel that those did. I’m probably going to end up watching this movie at some point, just out of curiosity. Good job on relaying your feelings about the movie and content really well without giving away massive parts of the plot.

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