Intercultural Learning Resource Toolkit
The Center for Intercultural Leadership & CommunicationActivities, Media, and More
Please regularly check back to this page for updates with new resources added to each category.
Intercultural Learning Core Concepts
List of Resources
Resources within this topic explore the core concepts of culture and intercultural learning, including how culture can be defined and the intercultural learning process.
The Iceberg of Culture Classroom activity approx. 45 minutes Small or large group
Learning Objective: Learners will be able to 1) describe the concept of culture, 2) recognize the influences of one’s own culture on behavior and attitudes, 3) identify institutions, customs, traditions, practices, and current issues in a specific country, and 4) discuss cultures without stereotyping or making judgmental statements.
The Developmental Model of Intercultural Sensitivity (DMIS)
Learning Objective: Learners will be able to describe the developmental stages of intercultural sensitivity and explain its relevance to intercultural learning.
Classroom activity approx. 45 minutes Small or large group
Learning Objective: Learners will be able to 1) navigate ambiguity and suspend judgement, 2) distinguish between descriptions, interpretations, and evaluations, and 3) respond effectively and appropriately within an intercultural interaction.
Understanding Difference
List of Resources
This topic is about exploring deep cultural differences from a culture-general approach and how those differences influence the way we live, think, and relate to others.
Hofstede’s Insights Website
Learning Objective: Learners will be able to 1) describe Hofstede’s cultural value dimensions, 2) explain trends in values across different national cultural contexts, and 3) compare/contrast different national cultures with their home country culture with regard to these value dimensions.
Intercultural Communication: High and Low-Context Cultures
Learning Objective: Learners will be able to explain the characteristics of high and low-context cultures and its impact on communication styles.
The Great Game of Power Classroom activity 30-60 minutes 12-50 participants
Learning Objectives: Learners will be able to 1) become aware of how power varies depending on culture, context, perspective, and belief systems, and 2) increase their understanding of how power influences any and every situation.
The Form Classroom activity 15 minutes 2-50 participants
Learning Objectives: Learners will 1) briefly experience dissonance and discomfort, 2) gain an awareness of cultural differences, and 3) begin to develop strategies for dealing with difference.
Exploring Values – Self & Other Awareness
List of Resources
Resources in this topic are designed to help learners understand their own and others’ values to build awareness of the self and others.
25 Questions Classroom Activity Up to 1 hour Large group
Learning Objective: Learners will be able to express life experiences and intellectual/emotional positions and 2) develop deeper connections with teammates through sharing answers to questions that evoke these experiences and positions.
First Impressions Video 5 minutes Individual or small/large group
Learning Objective: Learners will be able to 1) identify motivations behind “first impressions” among students in higher education, 2) analyze the stereotypes that prevented or facilitated communication between the students in the video, and 3) draw conclusions from the video in order to identify strategies about how to suspend judgment and reach out to others.
Human Values Continuum Classroom activity 10-15 minutes 4-50 participants
Learning Objective: Learners will 1) gain an awareness of cultural values framework and 2) visually see differences, even among those from the same cultural group.
Values Auction Classroom activity 90 minutes 8-16 participants
Learning Objective: Learners will 1) become aware of their values, 2) understand that values vary from culture to culture, and 3) realize they have learned these values through their own language during their own socialization.
More Diversity Activities for Youth and Adults Classroom activities Varies Small or large group
Learning Objective: Learners will 1) recognize how we place self-imposed limits on the way we think, 2) discover similar values and beliefs among people of various cultures, 3) become more aware of one’s own cultural viewpoints and stereotypes, and 4) accept and respect the differences and similarities in people.
Navigating Identity
List of Resources
This topic includes resources to facilitate learners’ understanding of their cultural identity.
Personal Identity Wheel Classroom activity 10-15 minutes Individual or small/large group
Learning Objective: Learners will be able to 1) find common ground with peers and build community and 2) interrogate how one’s personal identity are or are not informed by one’s social identities.
Social Identity Wheel Classroom activity 20 – 30 minutes Any number of participants
Learning Objective: Learners will be able to 1) critically consider one’s own identities in different social contexts, 2) consider how privilege operates to normalize and give power to some identities over others, and 3) build empathy and community with their peers of shared and different identities.
Mapping Social Identity Timeline Classroom activity 20-30 minutes Individual or small/large group
Learning Objective: Learners will be able to 1) discuss the ways their identities were learned and policied throughout their lives, 2) challenge normalized policing of gender, sexuality, and race, and 3) discuss the different messages they received about their identities based on the groups they belong to.
The Spectrum Activity, Questions of Identity Classroom activity 60+ minutes Small or large group
Learning Objective: Learners will be able to 1) critically consider one’s own identities in different social contexts, 2) consider how privilege operates to normalize and give power to some identities over others, and 3) build empathy and community with their peers of shared and different identities.
Managing Cultural Transitions
List of Resources
Resources in this topic are designed to help individuals plan and manage their transition between cultures.
Entering a New Culture Classroom activity 20-30 minutes 15-20 participants
Learning Objective: Learners will be able to describe how it feels not to speak the dominant language
Framework: The 5 Rs of Culture Change Framework/Classroom discussion 45-60 minutes Any number of participants
Learning Objective: Learners will be able to 1) explain a framework to understand five key changes faced when moving abroad, 2) describe the impact these changes may have on stress and satisfaction, and 3) develop strategies to manage changes and move through transitions more smoothly.
Successful Communication
List of Resources
This topic explores frameworks and strategies for successful intercultural communication.
Brene Brown on Empathy Video 3 minutes Individual or small/large group
Learning Objective: Learners will be able to compare and contrast empathy and sympathy
Disagree Better: Empathy Gym Classroom activity 1 hour Small or large group
Learning Objective: Learners will be able to 1) describe the negative and positive aspects of empathy and 2) develop empathy for those who are different from them.
Barnga Classroom activity 1 hr 15 mins 16+ participants
Learning Objective: Learners will be able to 1) interrogate assumptions about group norms and 2) critically analyze the origin of norms and their usefulness in new contexts.
Dialogue Blocker Activity Classroom discussion 60+ minutes Small or large group
Learning Objective: Learners will be able to 1) recognize common dialogue blockers, why they’re used, and their impact on conversation and 2) develop a list of ground rules that are supportive of thoughtful dialogue and inclusivity.
Building Intercultural & Diverse Teams
List of Resources
This topic includes resources that explicitly address developing trust and building teams.
Snowball Classroom activity 25-50 minutes 8-35 participants
Learning Objective: Learners will be able to 1) increase their awareness of and camaraderie with fellow participants and 2) explore any topic while simultaneously being in an inclusive, fun, interactive, and safe environment.
Resolving Differences
List of Resources
Resources included in this topic help learners navigate complex cultural differences to resolve them using creative problem-solving.
Broken Squares Classroom activity 30+ minutes 5-30 participants
Learning Objective: Learners will be able to 1) recognize the difficulty of cross-cultural communication and the importance of cooperation and 2) relate to students who do not speak the dominant language
Resource Name
Learning Objective: XYZ
Exploring Privilege, Power, and Oppression
List of Resources
Resources in this topic expressly address issues of privilege, power, and oppression, although many of them also encompass additional topics listed above.
Implicit Bias Module Series Text/Video Modules Approx. 40 minutes Individual
Learning Objectives: Learners will be able to 1) describe how implicit biases are formed and how they are differentiated from explicit bias, 2) summarize how implicit associations affect daily personal and professional life, 3) assess one’s own implicit biases through completion of the Implicit Associations Test, and 4) apply strategies to mitigate unwanted bias on an individual and institutional level.
Unequal Resources Classroom activity Approx. 45 minutes 10-25 participants
Learning Objective: Examine attitudes towards and expectations of people with different economic backgrounds
Perfectly Logical Explanation Classroom activity 20 – 30 minutes Small or large group
Learning Objective: Learners will be able to 1) discuss the weight and power of dominant narratives, 2) discuss how dominant narratives are political and biased, and 3) rigorously interrogate dominant narratives.
School You, Inc. Classroom activity 60+ minutes Small or large group
Learning Objective: Learners will be able to 1) discuss the concept of institutional oppression and 2) reflect on how oppressive institutional norms are perpetuated and evade critique