Gay Marriage Will Destroy the Sanctity of Marriage?

So I understand the religious arguments against gay marriage, I can even sympathize with those who are pro-domestic partnerships but against calling marriage because they feel the title of marriage should be reserved solely for the unity of a man and woman. But when people say that allowing gays to marry will ruin the sanctity of marriage…. I just want to say hold up. Because heterosexuals have done such a good job of ruining the sanctity of marriage, that I think it’s physically impossible that gays could do any more damage than has already been done.

Anna Nicole Smith married someone sixty two years older than her. Kim Kardashian was married for 72 days before she got a divorce. Eighty six year old Hugh Hefner is married to a 26 year old playmate. And if you are going to say that these are just celebrities who live over dramatic lives, everyday people have done a fine job of ruining the sanctity of marriage, too. My aunt was beaten by her ex husband. Another one of my aunts was cheated on, and he began cheating on her after they had been married for fifteen years. So really I just find the argument that gays will ruin the sanctity of marriage invalid…. because it seems like heterosexuals don’t quite understand what exactly the sanctity of marriage is to claim that it can/will be ruined. Because from the looks of it, there is no sanctity in marriage. No one really seems to regard marriage as a sacred thing. People are in it for the money, for the sex, for the fame, for the extravagant weddings, the power, or just because its a societal norm. Other arguments against gay marriage have some validity… but really this one doesn’t… at all.  But of course this is all just my opinion… I don’t mean to insult anyone’s views or beliefs.

3 thoughts on “Gay Marriage Will Destroy the Sanctity of Marriage?

  1. Rachel Popivchak

    You make a really great point here, one that I think should be brought up more often. You could also throw reality tv shows into here, like the Bachelor/Bachelorette (my fave <3). I mean, for real. When somebody gets down on one knee to propose after six weeks, and then they break up two weeks later? Come on people. It kind of upsets me. Actually, no, it really does. It makes me mad that engagement and marriage isn't the same anymore. Every single day, I log onto and I see that somebody is getting a divorce. No lie. And that's just the celebrities. Half of America is doing it too! Maybe if gays across the country were allowed to marry, our divorce rate would lower. Most partners are incredibly committed to each other, and I really believe they are stronger because they go through so much backlash together!

  2. Nina Eckel

    I totally agree with you on this point. I figure since we’re talking about a controversial topic, I might as well just say what I think; it seems to me that opponents of gay marriage are kind of grasping at straws with this argument- it doesn’t make any sense, so by clinging to it, they look like they have no case whatsoever. Maybe they do have some good points (I really haven’t heard any that have convinced me on the matter) but if they want to make people take them seriously, they should drop the ‘sanctity of marriage’ point.

  3. Tim Burgoyne

    I’m with you on this one. I can’t even formulate a good argument for the people who are opposed to it too, because I really can’t empathize. I have no idea where they are coming from because I just can’t fathom why they care if gays get married. The good news is that I think these beliefs are just rooted in people at a young age that they can’t let go of. Older people have a hard time letting go of them, but if you look at the trends you see that a large majority of young people are for gay marriage. So hopefully within the next few decades it will be legalized completely throughout the US.

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