Update #1


After posting the blog, I added an item of my project, which is the first real start of my website. I’m planning to post two other countries from East Asia, and three countries from western in total, but I might add more countries. Also, I’m going to create another page for this updates.


After reviewing one of my teammate’s comment, I realized my title and maybe some of my contents are not clear about the regions I’m going to post in this project. From my title and contents, it may understand as East Asia and West Asia.  However, the regions I choose to compares are East Asia (China, Japan, Korea, and more) and Western (Europe and America). So it is one of my challenges to clarifying the regions to the readers.

The other challenge is, as I’m doing this project, I find out my item posts will just be some information about LGBT community in several  countries. But then, it will be different from my goal of this archive project. So I do want to make comparisons between two different regions, and I have prepared some potential questions that I’m planning to answer in my archives, which  are

  1. What are the similarities and differences between the regions?
  2. Which region, or country would be more friendly to the community?

But the only thing, which is the most important thing, is I do not know how and where should I put the comparison in my archive.


My upcoming plans are posting another blog, item and update. In addition, to figure out how should I do the comparison in the archive.

This entry was posted in Update.

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