Update #2

This week, I changed the icon of my website into a rainbow with world map to give readers some idea of what my website is. Also one of my teammate gave me a helpful advise for my first item about the size and position of the pictures, so I did a small change of the position and size of the pictures. In Addition, I post an item and a blog as well.

Last week, I was concerned about the focus of my project. My main focus is to compare the differences between western countries and east Asia countries. For the solution I came up with is to mention other countries’ differences in the posts. However, I’m not sure if this will be the best solution. So I’m still looking for it.

My upcoming plans are to post Blog 3, item 3 and Update 3. I’m thinking to post LGBT in Taiwan for my next item. Also I might look for some images to post in my homepage.

This entry was posted in Update.

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