Current East Asia Countries

“Just Two hours’ Vacation” by Hikaru Utada feat. Ringo Shiina

This is the most recent LGBT song released on September 28th, 2016. The two singers are two of the legends who are representing today’s Japan’s Music society. People in the society understood this song in two ways, one said this song is for LGBT community in Japan, and the other said the lyric is just describing housewives, not about LGBT. As similar to Taylor Swift’s “You Need To Calm Down”, this song influenced the society largely underground, since both singers are famous in Japan.

This song brought many of the nations’ attentions. Some of people believed the lyric is about two housewives’ friendship, some of people think it is about two housewives’ romantic relationship. It did give some negative impression for those who are not welcome LGBT community, however, it gave more positive impressions to the society. Some of the people started to think LGBT is not a special sexual orientation, and they even didn’t know why they were not accept them. So this item is important in Japan’s society and in this website, it gives a change of the attitudes toward LGBT.



Gay Pride 2019 in Asia, credit

This is a website written by an organization called “IGayTrips”, which is an organization that give some suggestions for LGBT communities when they are going to travel foreign. In this website, it is also having a calendar for LGBT events in 2019. In East Asia region, it is almost 13 places that are going to have events.

As you can see from the number of events, East Asia is still not as LGBT friendly as Western countries. However, in the other perspectives, the number of locations are increasing, which means East Asia is slowly, but spreading more equal opportunities to LGBT society. This is the comparison I would like to show in this website.



First Gay Marriages in Taiwan, credit

This is an article written by William Yang in May 24th, 2019. The article is about the first gay marriages in Taiwan after same-sex marriage is legalized. The marriages were historical moments in Asia, in which, the law itself was the first idea in the Asia history. In Asia, the topic of same-sex marriage was talking for almost a month even after the law was legalized.

This is the most recent news and the advancement in Asia’s LGBT society, which shows an improvement of attitudes toward LGBT. People believed that this could be a trigger for Asia countries to accept more about sexual orientations. This event also shows Asia is changing in a positive way, and will be LGBT friendly regions like Western countries. So it is one of the important item in this website.

Current Western Countries

You Need To Calm Down” by Taylor Swift

This is the most recent song that sing about LGBT, and become a famous song over the world. The singer, Taylor Swift, is one of the most famous singer around the world. The lyric is talking and encourage about homosexuals, and because of the song was sang by Taylor Swift, it has a strong influence to all the people and countries include countries that are not prohibit the lgbt but not welcome lgbt. For example, in Japan (since it is one of the posts in this website), the song is welcoming, and even playing in the streets.

This is an important item in this website, it is influential and it shows a lgbt positive attitude toward the world. This is different from East Asia, because music is a public media, where every nation can listing. So in East Asia like China, it won’t be released or playing in the public. So this is an interest finding in the comparison of Western countries and East Asia countries.



Calendar for Gay Pride, credit

This is a website written by Andrew Collins, and it listed the calendar of gay pride in western region. From this website, we know there are over 70 places where is going to have a festival for homosexuals in 2019 – 2020 year. In each listed festival, it has a hyperlink to bing the visitors to go more specific description about the event.

This website gives the most recent events in Western countries, and the fact that over 70 places are going to have gay pride events in this year shows the current attitudes toward LGBT in western countries. It is very different from East Asia, which will shown in “Current East Asia Countries” post that the numbers of the events are lesser than westerns.



The White House Passed a New Bill, credit

This is a news released on May 17, 2019, that presenting the bill of anti-discrimination towards LGBTQ community was passes to the White House. This is aiming to extend the protection of LGBTQ people in America who should have rights equally as others. In the news, it talked about the problems of sports, economy and moral aspects for the current situations, and this bill could improve the problems.

This news is an important news for United States as well as this website. It is a current law related movement, and by the answer of this bill, LGBTQ community has even more freedom and rights in the society. This is a good news that came with the news of Taiwan, which allowed same-sex marriages. It gives two perspectives of actual events on the different regions, but at the same time.