Meeting Minutes 1/11/18

Penn State Collegiate 4-H

Meeting Minutes

5:00pm ~ Jan. 11th , 2018 ~ 106 ASI

Call To Order– Pledges

Introductions/ Icebreaker: Each member introduced themselves using M&Ms and fun facts. 

Secretary’s Report: Read and Approved

Treasurer’s Report: Everything was transferred over to Megan’s name. 

Ag Student Council Report: No report.

Old Business

  • Club Dues
    • $3 for the semester
  • Puerto Rico Hurricane Relief Efforts
    • Making blankets
      • Motioned to be added to a future meeting time. 
  • State 4-H Leadership Conference Workshop
    • Alondra, MaryAnn and Steph are working on a great presentation.
  • T-Shirts
    • MaryAnn still to call.
  • 4-H Day with the Lady Lions
    • Went great.
  • Spring Involvement Fair
    • Added people to the listserv
  • Farm Show Volunteering
    • Went well
  • Debt Payoff Plan
    • Mariannas
      • Motion carried to continue work, possible committee appointment.
    • Working in the State Office
      • SLC volunteering at State Store will count.
  • Penn’s Cave Trip
    • Hannah to come up with dates and reach out to other clubs.

New Business

  • Bylaws
    • Hannah to update
  • Baker Scholarship
    • Jeanette emailed out.
  • Social Media Sites
    • Instagram : psuc4h
    • Twitter: psuc4h
    • Follow us!
  • Fundraiser Ideas
    • Valentine’s Day Fundraiser in HUB
      • Survey to be sent out regarding dates.
      • Expand to more than just socks potentially?
    • Chipotle 
      • Need 8 weeks prior request
    • Kiwi
    • Texas Roadhouse
    • Insomnia (must go to store)
      • Megan to work on acquiring Kiwi and Insomnia
  • Community Service Ideas
    • Operation Gratitude (soldier letters)
    • Ronald McDonald House (donations, letters)
    • Paper Cranes (makes cranes)
    • Mission Ships (shoes and supplies)
    • Any Others?
      • CWC
      • Shaver’s Creek
      • Lion’s Pantry
      • CCWRC
    • Motioned to pursue Operation Gratitude and Paper Cranes during meetings. 
  • 4-H State Leadership Conference Rundown
    • Friday- Setup
    • Saturday-
      • Workshop: 8am- 11:30am (Steph, MaryAnn, Alondra)
      • Lunch Time
      • Jr. SLC service project: 12:30-12:55pm (Alondra with the pictures)
      • 4-H store:  4- 5:30pm
    • Sunday- 8am- 10am Closing Ceremony Presentation (Justin)

Meeting adjourned at 5:40pm

Upcoming Events!

  • State Leadership Conference- Jan 26th- 28th

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