

Date of Origin: September, 1958


Article I. Purpose

The purpose of the Penn State 4-H Club is to:

  1. Spread and 4-H youth/development activities.
  2. Develop and promote: leadership, citizenship, and social opportunities for youth and teens served by the 4-H youth/development program.
  3. Provide educational, recreational, and social opportunities for youth and teens served by the 4-H youth/development program.
  4. Provide educational, recreational, and social opportunities for members of the

Collegiate 4-H club.

  1. Expand and promote 4-H at the collegiate level.


Article II. Membership

  1. The membership shall be divided into active and associate members.


  1. Only currently employed faculty, staff and currently registered students shall be eligible for active membership in the Penn State Collegiate 4-H club, once annual dues have been paid. (The majority of the active members, that is 50% + 1, must be currently registered undergraduate students.)
  2. Associate membership will consist of all others interested in furthering the purpose of the Penn State Collegiate 4-H club. Associate members may not hold office, vote, preside, officiate, or solicit funds on behalf of the organization.


  1. Currently registered students must be admitted as active members.


  1. New Membership and Recruitment


  1. Any and all new members will be given full disclosure during recruitment, including but not limited to the disclosure of:
    1. New Membership Manual
    2. Schedule of New Members Events and Activities
    3. A list of responsibilities
    4. A definition of personal rights, and a copy of the University Hazing policy, prescribed by Policies and Rules for Student Organizations.

All of these documents will be available upon request by the UPUA.


  1. All members, including but not limited to new members and recruits, reserve the right to refrain from participating in any activity without consequence, based upon personal/religious beliefs, personal values, or moral reserve as defined by the member.


  1. Any and all interaction/activity between members and/or new members will be limited to guidelines stated by university policy, as well as local, state, and federal laws.


  1. The club reserves the right to expel a member who is not following the policies of the organization with a 2/3 majority vote of attending members – quorum is 75% of active members.


Article III. Officers

  1. Only full-time, officially registered students shall be eligible to serve as appointed or elected officers. Officer positions may be combined as determined necessary by present active membership and advisor(s) at the time of nominations. Limitations are subject to USG Supreme Court approval.


  1. Offices


  1. It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all meetings. The President will be responsible for preparing an agenda for each meeting and making sure that advisors are informed of club activities and events. The President shall also be familiar with university policies and procedures and see that they are followed. The President shall appoint committees to assist in getting things done and delegate responsibilities to others. The President shall call regular executive committee meetings, which include officers and advisors. The President shall be an ex-officio member of all committees and possesses the right to vote at Executive Committee meetings.


  1. It shall be the duty of the Vice-President to assist the President and to preside in the President’s absence. It is also the duty of the Vice-President to reserve a club meeting room, obtain the key for the room, and arrive early to unlock the room. The Vice-President shall be responsible for registering the club for special activities of the club (i.e. Student Involvement Fair). It will also be the duty of the Vice-President to maintain the bylaws and properly make corrections to the document throughout the term. The Vice-President shall be an ex-officio member of all committees. The Vice-President possesses the right to vote at all Executive Committee meetings.


  1. It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to collect membership dues, keep records, distribute money upon approval by a majority vote of club membership and be a member of the Fundraising Committee. The Treasurer shall give a report at each regular club meeting listing receipts, expenditures, and the budget to be approved by the Executive Committee and submitted to the ASA.


  1. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to keep a written record of each meeting and submit this for approval at the following meeting. The Secretary shall also keep a complete record of membership and carry on any necessary correspondence for the club. One component of this correspondence will be to collaborate with the News Reporter, and any other interested members, to complete the Club of the Year Application for review by Ag. Student Council each year. The Secretary shall be responsible for distributing a constitution to any Penn State Collegiate 4-H member, upon request. As well, the Secretary is responsible for completing attendance at every meeting.


  1. It shall be the duty of the News Reporter/social media chair to keep an up-to-date record of club’s events, projects, and activities during the year. The News Reporter/social media chair will be responsible for coordinating picture taking at Collegiate 4-H events by either taking pictures, assigning an interested individual to take pictures, or acquiring pictures taken by individuals from another group at the event. The News Reporter/social media chair shall also keep the activities of the club public at all times. Activities are to be made public in the College of Agricultural Sciences through completion of the Club of the Year Application, as well as by other means. The News Reporter/social media chair will work in conjunction with the Secretary, and any other interested members, to complete the application for review by Ag. Student Council each year. The News Reporter shall be a member of the Publicity Committee.


  1. It shall be the duty of the Agricultural Student Council Representatives to represent the Penn State Collegiate 4-H club at all Agricultural Student Council meetings or to find a replacement. The Ag. Student Council Representatives shall report back to the club about any relevant activities, events, etc. The Ag. Student Council Representative will be responsible for submitting the completed Club of the Year Application to Ag. Student Council unless another individual is assigned to do so.


  1. All officers serve for a term of one year, beginning the first meeting of spring semester and ending the last meeting of fall semester. The term of office shall be one year, and no officer shall reserve two consecutive terms in the same office. To maintain the same office for a consecutive term, the individual must be voted into the office again.


  1. Filling unexpired vacancies:


  1. Nominations are taken at the meeting following the vacancy. Elections also occur at this meeting.


  1. The quorum is fifty percent of the active membership.


  1. The majority required to elect a new officer is fifty percent plus one of the active membership present at the meeting. If 50% + 1 is not obtained by one of the candidates, the candidate(s) receiving the lowest number of votes is/are eliminated, and the active members will vote again.


  1. The majority is derived from the active membership present at the meeting.


  1. When nominations are being taken to fill unexpired terms, any member of the Penn State Collegiate 4-H club may nominate another member or his or her self, by simply raising their hand and indicating such when recognized. Elections will continue as stated under Article X.


Article IV. Committees

The chairs will be appointed by the current executive team and will have the authority to

appoint a co-chair as they see fit.


  1. The Community Service Committee will plan and coordinate various community service activities and projects throughout the year. They must plan at least 3 events per semester. (Ex. Boxes of Cheer)


  1. The Fundraising Committee will plan and coordinate fundraisers for the Penn State Collegiate 4-H Club. They must plan at least 2 events per semester. The Treasurer shall be assigned to this committee.


  1. The Publicity Committee will make the public aware of events related to the Penn State Collegiate 4-H and serve to recruit new members. The News Reporter and Ag Council student Rep shall be assigned to this committee.


Article V. Meetings

  1. The Penn State Collegiate 4-H club will meet at least five times per semester.


  1. Adequate advance notice of at least 3 days must be given to the membership.


Article VI.   Voting

  1. Only active members may vote.


  1. The quorum is thirty-three percent of the membership.


  1. The majority is fifty percent plus one of the active membership, that is, the majority is derived from the active members present.


Article VII. General Business Meetings

The quorum needed for the general conduct of business is thirty-three percent.


Article VIII. Finances

  1. All funds are to be deposited and handled through the office of Associated Student Activities (ASA) in 240 HUB.


  1. This organization shall collect dues that will not be excessive.


  1. Dues are a condition of membership.


  1. Dues shall be collected annually.


  1. The executive committee reserves the right to decide if dues will not be collected. In this case, it shall have been discussed and finalized by the second meeting of the semester.


Article IX. Advisor

  1. This organization will retain (an) advisor(s).


  1. The advisor(s) of the Penn State Collegiate 4-H club shall be appointed by the Agricultural and Extension Education Department Head.


  1. It shall be the duty of the advisor(s) to advise the membership concerning the objectives of the organization.


Article X. Elections

  1. Nominations will be taken the second to last meeting of the fall semester and again on the last meeting of the semester, prior to elections. Elections will be taken as mentioned at the last meeting of the semester.


  1. Election codes:


  1. The quorum to conduct nominations shall be thirty-three percent of the membership. The quorum to conduct elections shall be fifty percent of the membership.


  1. The majority needed to elect shall be fifty percent plus one.


  1. The majority is derived from the active membership present at the meeting to elect.


  1. Any member may nominate an active member for any office by raising his/her hand at the appropriate time and being recognized by the presiding official. Next, the active members shall cast secret, written ballots for the candidate of their choice. Each member shall have one vote per office.


  1. If 50% + 1 cannot be obtained, the candidate(s) with the least number of votes shall be dropped from consideration, and the active members shall vote again.


Article XI. Amendments

  1. Amendments to this constitution may be introduced at any meeting. Voting shall occur at the meeting following its introduction, with the amendments taking affect following USG Supreme Court approval.


  1. Quorum is thirty-three percent. The majority is fifty percent plus one for the active membership present at the meeting.


  1. Any member may introduce a constitutional amendment at a meeting. At the following meeting, active members shall vote on the amendment, as outlined in the article on voting. If the amendment passes, it will be sent to the USG Supreme Court approval.


  1. All amendments are subject to approval by the USG Supreme Court.


Article XII. Parliamentary Authority

Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised, by Sarah Corbin shall be used in all cases not

covered by this constitution.


Article XIII. Copies of Constitution

            Copies of this constitution shall be made available to anyone upon request.


Last Updated: 12/8/14

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