Penn State Center for American Literary Studies Summer Graduate Fellowship

CALS is pleased to announce its annual summer graduate fellow competition. The CALS summer graduate fellow will receive a $4000 summer stipend and a $1000 research budget for travel and research-related expenses, enabling the fellow to devote the summer session to working on his/her dissertation.

Deadline: February 5.


  1. for purposes of this award, a doctoral student who has successfully passed comprehensive exams, constituted a dissertation committee, and won approval of a dissertation prospectus focused on an American literature and/or culture topic from any time period is eligible to apply;
  2. students who have previously won a Humanities Institute semester-long or summer residency or a Center for Early Modern Studies Junior Scholar fellowship are eligible to apply; moreover, the summer fellowship does not affect a student’s eligibility for the standard dissertation semester fellowship in the Liberal Arts; finally, receiving a CALS Summer Graduate Fellowship does not preclude a student from applying for a CALS Dissertation Support Award or vice-versa–accepting one award will not render an applicant ineligible for the other at any time.
  3. students planning to defend/graduate in the summer of the current year are not eligible to apply;
  4. students may not teach or hold full-time employment during the funded summer session;
  5. students on federal aid should be advised that their federal package might be affected by the stipend money.

Award:  A $4000 summer stipend and a $1000 research budget for travel and research-related expenses.

Spring Lecture and Acknowledgements
The fellow is required to give a presentation, open to the liberal arts community, based on material written during the period of the summer fellowship during the following school year. Also, appropriate acknowledgement of the Center’s support must be given in the dissertation, publications, and all other activities related to the summer fellowship project.


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