Penn State Center for Global Studies Fellow Award

The Center for Global Studies (CGS) is pleased to announce the Global Studies Dissertation Fellows program offered in conjunction with the College of the Liberal Arts’ Departmental Dissertation Release Awards. These combined awards are for Humanities graduate students who are working in the field of global studies in their dissertations. The Center and Institute Grant provided by the CGS augments the Department Dissertation Release Award by providing a $1,000 grant to supportresearch-related activities for the semester in which the student has received a Department Dissertation Release Award; in addition, award recipients will have the title of Center for Global Studies Fellow.

The Center for Global Studies Fellow will be informed of all CGS events and asked to participate in those events that are of interest to them or that would benefit their research. Furthermore, the Center for Global Studies Fellow will be required to present their dissertation research at a CGS event or at a Global Studies K-12 Teacher’s Workshop.

Deadline: The deadline for receipt of applications is Monday, April 2, 2018 at 5 p.m.

Eligibility: To be eligible for a Center/Institute Fellow Award, applicants must meet the following Humanities Dissertation Release Program criteria:

  1. Students must be enrolled in a CLA department or program devoted to scholarship in the humanities.
  2. Students must be ABD and supported on assistantship during the semester of the release.
  3. Students must receive a full one-term release from teaching and other duties from their home department/program so they can devote themselves full time to the dissertation while in residence at University Park. (With permission of their Graduate Director, they may travel for the sake of scholarly research or meetings.)
  4. Students may not hold any other academic appointment during semester on the release.
  5. Students must have an approved dissertation proposal before the beginning the semester of their release.

Awards: a $1000 grant (in addition to the Liberal Arts’ Departmental Dissertation Release Awards).


VISIT SITE for Humanities Initiative Dissertation Release


Penn State Center for American Literary Studies Summer Graduate Fellowship

CALS is pleased to announce its annual summer graduate fellow competition. The CALS summer graduate fellow will receive a $4000 summer stipend and a $1000 research budget for travel and research-related expenses, enabling the fellow to devote the summer session to working on his/her dissertation.

Deadline: February 5.


  1. for purposes of this award, a doctoral student who has successfully passed comprehensive exams, constituted a dissertation committee, and won approval of a dissertation prospectus focused on an American literature and/or culture topic from any time period is eligible to apply;
  2. students who have previously won a Humanities Institute semester-long or summer residency or a Center for Early Modern Studies Junior Scholar fellowship are eligible to apply; moreover, the summer fellowship does not affect a student’s eligibility for the standard dissertation semester fellowship in the Liberal Arts; finally, receiving a CALS Summer Graduate Fellowship does not preclude a student from applying for a CALS Dissertation Support Award or vice-versa–accepting one award will not render an applicant ineligible for the other at any time.
  3. students planning to defend/graduate in the summer of the current year are not eligible to apply;
  4. students may not teach or hold full-time employment during the funded summer session;
  5. students on federal aid should be advised that their federal package might be affected by the stipend money.

Award:  A $4000 summer stipend and a $1000 research budget for travel and research-related expenses.

Spring Lecture and Acknowledgements
The fellow is required to give a presentation, open to the liberal arts community, based on material written during the period of the summer fellowship during the following school year. Also, appropriate acknowledgement of the Center’s support must be given in the dissertation, publications, and all other activities related to the summer fellowship project.


Penn State Humanities Institute Graduate Student Scholars in Residence

The Humanities Institute is pleased to sponsor a program of semester-long graduate student residencies for the academic year 2019-2020. This program will provide up to nine students in the humanities with either one course release in the fall or spring semester (GSR program) or a $4,000 summer award (GSSR program). The possible use of an office in Ihlseng Cottage may be provided, enabling them to devote an entire semester to work on their dissertation project. Students are required to be in residence at University Park for the duration of the grant period.

Application Deadlines: Graduate Student Summer Residents (Summer 2019): February 11, 2019; Graduate Student Residents (Fall 2019/Spring 2020): March 25, 2019

Eligibility: The following eligibility requirements apply:

  1. Students must be seeking a terminal degree in a humanities program at Penn State (i.e., Master’s candidates on track toward the Ph.D. are not eligible);
  2. Proposed projects must be directly related to work on a degree-required thesis, dissertation or final creative project (e.g., a degree recital);
  3. Students must be in residence for the duration of the grant period;
  4. Students may not teach or be significantly employed (more than 8 hrs./week) during the semester of residence;
  5. Students in the College of the Liberal Arts are eligible for this award as well as for the Dissertation Semester Release; accepting one will not render an applicant ineligible for the other at any time.
  6. Summer Residency Students must be enrolled for the summer, and must follow the STAP procedures found at

Students are eligible to apply at any point in their studies, though a strong preference will be given to students nearing the completion of their terminal degree. Proposals that are interdisciplinary in outlook, methodology, media, or scope are especially welcome. Students with projects in the social sciences are eligible to apply if their projects have important implications for the humanities. Students on Federal aid should be advised that their Federal package might be affected by the stipend award.

Graduate Students are eligible to apply for Fellowships/Residencies from any of the Centers or Institutes associated with the College of the Liberal Arts (HI, REI, CHI). However, applicants who are awarded fellowships from more than one center in a give academic year must only accept one award during that year.

Award: This program will provide up to nine students in the humanities with either one course release in the fall or spring semester (GSR program) or a $4,000 summer award (GSSR program). The possible use of an office in Ihlseng Cottage may be provided.



Penn State Africana Research Center Grant (2017)

The Africana Research Center encourages and supports research and scholarship that (a) enhances the lives of Africans across the Diaspora, and (b) serves as a catalyst for promoting an enabling environment where cultural production and discourse on diversity can be nurtured to advance the research, teaching, and outreach mission of Penn State.

Deadline: Submit the following as a single PDF to by October 16, 2017.

Eligibility: Graduate and undergraduate students enrolled in a program of study at Penn State University, with a minimum GPA of 3.0. Students must have formal project approval from a tenure-line faculty advisor or the head of their major or minor department who can attest to the significance of their research project and confirm that the student has achieved the requisite GPA.

Award: Up to $1,500 for Penn State students. Research funds may NOT be used for conference travel, tuition, faculty/staff salaries, equipment, books or solely to cover the cost of hiring a research assistant. Applications will be reviewed by the ARC Advisory Board. Awards will be made by December 1 and must be accepted within 30 days of notification. Awardees will have 18 months from the date of signing the grant award agreement to use their research funding for awarded projects. Funds not used by the award contract deadline will be released back to the ARC. Extensions will only be granted under exceptional circumstances.



Penn State Center & Institute Fellowship Program-Humanities Initiative Dissertation Release

Humanities Initiative Dissertation Release funds makes it possible for the College of the Liberal Arts, in cooperation with its affiliated Centers and Institutes, to provide releases from teaching or related service to humanities students who are supported on assistantships and working on their dissertations. This program is meant to complement, not replace, existing programs such as the RGSO Dissertation Awards and Humanities Institute summer residencies.

DEADLINE: By May 21st, departments should send Keshia Kennelley,  a list of students who are likely to be eligible for a Humanities Initiative Dissertation Release and an estimate of what semester the student will take the release.

ELIGIBILITY:To be eligible for a Humanities Initiative Dissertation Release (HIDR), students must be ABD and be supported on an assistantship for the period covered by the dissertation release. Fixed-term faculty are not eligible for dissertation releases. Unless the Associate Dean approves an exception under special circumstances, it is assumed that departments will continue to pay regular assistantship stipends and tuition grant in aids for students receiving awards during the fall and spring semesters. Note: Only students whose home department is in the College of the Liberal Arts are eligible to receive a dissertation release (or $3,000) award under this program. It is understood as a condition of receiving any form of dissertation support that students will present their work at the spring Graduate Research Exhibition, unless their dissertation research has already been presented at the Exhibition. Those affiliated with a Center or Institute may receive additional stipulations in its letter of offer.

AWARD: Dissertation releases will be paid for with a $5000 grant to departments, to cover the cost of replacing the student in the classroom; or a $3000 award to students directly, in the case of a summer release.  To participate, departments must replace fully the teaching responsibilities or other departmental duties of students who receives a dissertation release so that students may work full time on the dissertation. In other words, the students cannot be given a partial release from teaching or other duties; they must be given a complete semester release. Departments that violate this understanding will be dropped from the program.


American Institute for Maghrib Studies- Long/Short term Grants

The American Institute for Maghrib Studies (AIMS) announces its annual Grants Program for the academic year beginning in May 2018. The program offers grants to U.S. scholars interested in conducting research on North Africa in any Maghrib country, specifically Algeria, Mauritania, Morocco, or Tunisia. AIMS sponsors three Overseas Research Centers in the region in Oran, Tunis and Tangier and has other institutional affiliations that support AIMS scholars. AIMS only funds primary research conducted in the Maghrib.

DEADLINE: January of every year- awards announced in April for grants starting the following May

ELIGIBILITY:Graduate students currently enrolled in an M.A. or Ph.D. program, independent scholars, and faculty in all disciplines are eligible to apply. All applicants must be U.S. citizens at the time of application. Recipients of AIMS awards in either of the two previous funding cycles are ineligible to apply. Travel/research plans must be set and funds must be disbursed prior to May 2019. Applicants must be members of AIMS at the time of application. For membership and grant information, please contact the AIMS Executive Office at


Short-Term Research Grants
AIMS awards short-term grants for one to three months for up to $6,000. These awards may also be used in combination with grants from other sources for projects of longer duration.

Long-Term Research Grants
AIMS offers awards with a maximum of $15,000 for projects longer than three months. In accordance with an agreement with major funding agencies, applicants may not accept multiple grants concurrently for the same project. In the event a grantee declines an AIMS award to accept another grant, AIMS may provide a small allowance for supplementary research expenses. Some privately funded grants are exempt from this rule.


Harry Ransom Center at UTexas @Austin

For its 2018–2019 fellowship program, the Ransom Center will award 10 dissertation fellowships and up to 50 postdoctoral fellowships for projects that require substantial on-site use of its collections. The fellowships support research in all areas of the humanities, including literature, photography, film, art, the performing arts, music, and cultural history.


DEADLINE:The application deadline for 2018–2019 research fellowships has passed. Decisions will be announced by email on or before March 31, 2018. Application instructions for 2019–2020 fellowships will be posted in the summer.


The fellowships are open to scholars of any nationality. Previous recipients of Ransom Center fellowships are eligible to reapply after two full fellowship cycles have passed. One- to three-month fellowships and travel stipends are open to scholars with a Ph.D. or with a substantial record of professional achievement, demonstrated on their curriculum vitae. If the Ph.D. is in-progress at the time of application, the proposal and letters of recommendation must clearly indicate completion by June 1, 2018. Successful applicants must complete the Ph.D. by this date in order to accept the fellowship.

Dissertation fellowships are open to doctoral candidates engaged in dissertation research by the time of application.




One- to three-month fellowships are available for postdoctoral or independent scholars whose projects require extensive use of the Ransom Center’s collections.


$2,000 (DOMESTIC) • $2,500 (INTERNATIONAL)

Travel stipends are available for postdoctoral or independent scholars whose projects require less than one month’s use of the Center’s collections. Travel stipends may not be combined with other Ransom Center fellowships.


$2,000 (DOMESTIC) • $2,500 (INTERNATIONAL)

Dissertation fellowships are available for graduate students whose doctoral dissertations require use of the Center’s collections.

The Center gratefully acknowledges the principals of the endowments and annual sponsors that support these fellowships.



Chateaubriand Fellowship- Humanities & Social Sciences

The Chateaubriand Fellowship in Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS) targets outstanding Ph.D. students from American universities who seek to engage in research in France, in any discipline of the Humanities and Social Sciences. This fellowship is offered by the Cultural Services of the Embassy of France. HSS Chateaubriand fellows are selected through a merit-based competition, using a binational collaborative process involving expert evaluators from both countries.

DEADLINE: November : Opening of the Chateaubriand Call for applications
- January : Deadline for application (12:00 pm EST)
- February to April : Bilateral selection process
- June : Communication of results via email.

ELIGIBILITY:  Candidates must be currently working on their Ph.D.
- Candidates do not have to be U.S. citizens, but they must be enrolled in an American university. However, French citizens are not eligible to apply.
- Candidates must obtain a letter of agreement from their advisor(s) in the U.S., as well as a letter of invitation from a professor affiliated with a French university or research institution. Please be in touch with your supervisor in France as early as possible. The history of the research relationship will be taken into account in the review process.

There are three types of fellowships:

- Fall Fellowship: 4 months, starts October 1st.
- Spring Fellowship: 4 months, starts February 1st.
- Year-long Fellowship: 8 months, starts October 1st.

Applicants’ preference will be taken into account but not necessarily accommodated.

AWARD: HSS Chateaubriand fellows receive: - A monthly stipend of 1500 € - Health insurance for the entire duration of the fellowship - A round-trip ticket to France



Schallek Fellowship and Awards

The Medieval Academy, in collaboration with the Richard III Society-American Branch, offers a full-year fellowship and five graduate student awards in memory of William B. and Maryloo Spooner Schallek. The fellowship and awards are supported by a generous gift to the Richard III Society from William B. and Maryloo Spooner Schallek.

ELIGIBILITY: Applicants to both Schallek programs must be members of the Medieval Academy. Graduate students who are members of the Medieval Academy and who seek support to research and write Ph.D. dissertations on topics related to medieval Britain before 1350 or on any other medieval topic should apply to the Medieval Academy Dissertation Grant program.

DEADLINE: The annual application deadline is 15 October.

AWARD:The Schallek Fellowship provides a one-year grant of $30,000 to support Ph.D. dissertation research in any relevant discipline dealing with late-medieval Britain (ca. 1350-1500)


The Schallek awards support graduate students conducting doctoral research in any relevant discipline dealing with late-medieval Britain (ca. 1350-1500).

DEADLINE: The annual application deadline is 15 February.

AWARD: The $2,000 awards help defray research expenses such as the cost of travel to research collections and the cost of photographs, photocopies, microfilms, and other research materials. The cost of books or equipment (e.g., computers) is not included.


Birgit Baldwin Fellowship- French Medieval

The Baldwin Fellowship provides a grant of $20,000 to support a graduate student in a North American university who is researching and writing a significant dissertation for the Ph.D. on any subject in French medieval history that can be realized only by sustained research in the archives and libraries of France.

DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS IS 15 NOVEMBER 2019. The fellowship helps defray research and living expenses for the equivalent of an academic year of study. It may be renewed for a second year upon demonstration of satisfactory progress. Because of the renewable nature of the fellowship, applications are solicited on a biannual basis.

ELIGIBILTY: The fellowship recipient must devote full time to the dissertation project and may not hold any job or teaching position or work on another project during the term of the fellowship. Applicants must be members of the Medieval Academy.

AWARD: $20,000, possible renewal upon demonstration of satisfactory progress.

Baldwin Fellowship Instructions
Baldwin Fellowship Application