Archive of ‘Photography’ category

Aesthetics-Driven Stereoscopic 3D Image Recomposition with Depth Adaptation

Abstract: Due to the availability and afford-ability of the stereoscopic equipment’s (e.g. stereo camera, lens, and display devices), stereoscopic image manipulation is receiving considerable research attention in recent years. In this paper, we present a semi-automatic, aesthetic-driven stereoscopic image recomposition approach that capacitates the change of the spatial position of the foreground object(s) in a given stereoscopic image for improving human visual aesthetics. Our algorithm recomposes both the left and right stereo images simultaneously using a global optimization algorithm. To maximize image aesthetics, our algorithm minimizes a set of aesthetic quality errors, that is derived from selected photographic composition rules. In addition, depth adaptation is applied to the resized objects and change in vertical disparity of the resulting stereo image pair is minimized to ensure pleasant 3D viewing experience. Our method can be used to perform stereoscopic image re-targeting and recomposition simultaneously by providing an additional the target image scale as the input. The conducted empirical evaluations illustrate the effectiveness of our approach in enhancing the aesthetics of stereoscopic 3D images. Notably, depth adaptation is shown to play an important role in aesthetics enhancement.

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Pose-based Composition Improvement for Portrait Photographs

Abstract: This paper studies the composition in portrait paintings and develops an algorithm to improve the composition of portrait photographs based on example portrait paintings. A study of portrait paintings shows that the placement of the face and the figure is pose-related. Based on this observation, this paper develops an algorithm to improve the composition of a portrait photograph by learning the placement of the face and the figure from an example portrait painting. This example portrait painting is selected based on the similarity of its figure pose to that of the input photograph. This similarity measure is modeled as a graph matching problem. Finally, space cropping is performed using an optimization function to assign a similar location for each body part of the figure in the photograph with that of the figure in the example portrait painting. The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method. A user study shows that the proposed pose-based composition improvement is preferred more than rule-based methods and learning-based methods.

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Learning to Compose with Professional Photographs on the Web

Abstract: Photo composition is an important factor affecting the aesthetics in photography. However, it is a highly challenging task to model the aesthetic properties of good compositions due to the lack of globally applicable rules to the wide variety of photographic styles. Inspired by the thinking process of photo taking, we formulate the photo composition problem as a view finding process which successively examines pairs of views and determines their aesthetic preferences. We further exploit the rich professional photographs on the web to mine unlimited high-quality ranking samples and demonstrate that an aesthetics-aware deep ranking network can be trained without explicitly modeling any photographic rules. The resulting model is simple and effective in terms of its architectural design and data sampling method. It is also generic since it naturally learns any photographic rules implicitly encoded in professional photographs. The experiments show that the proposed view finding network achieves state-of-the-art performance with sliding window search strategy on two image cropping datasets.

Arxiv Version:

Professional Photography using Deep Learning

Intelligent Portrait Composition Assistance

Integrating Deep-learned Models and Photography Idea Retrieval
Farshid Farhat, Mohammad Kamani, Sahil Mishra, James Wang
[Click to get the pro portrait dataset]

ABSTRACT: Retrieving photography ideas corresponding to a given location facilitates the usage of smart cameras, where there is a high interest among amateurs and enthusiasts to take astonishing photos at anytime and in any location. Existing research captures some aesthetic techniques such as the rule of thirds, triangle, and perspectiveness, and retrieves useful feedbacks based on one technique. However, they are restricted to a particular technique and the retrieved results have room to improve as they can be limited to the quality of the query. There is a lack of a holistic framework to capture important aspects of a given scene and give a novice photographer informative feedback to take a better shot in his/her photography adventure. This work proposes an intelligent framework of portrait composition using our deep-learned models and image retrieval methods. A highly-rated web-crawled portrait dataset is exploited for retrieval purposes. Our framework detects and extracts ingredients of a given scene representing as a correlated hierarchical model. It then matches extracted semantics with the dataset of aesthetically composed photos to investigate a ranked list of photography ideas, and gradually optimizes the human pose and other artistic aspects of the composed scene supposed to be captured. The conducted user study demonstrates that our approach is more helpful than the other constructed feedback retrieval systems.

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