WE ARE the People: Constitution Day Trivia 2017

A Civic and Social Literacy Event
Monday, September 18, 2017
Noon-1:00 p.m.
Community Room
Joe and Rosie Ruhl Student Community Center
Penn State York

Penn State York News:
Trivia event focuses on knowledge of U.S. history, celebrates Constitution Day
Constitution Day celebration at Penn State York small but informative

Penn State York celebrated Constitution Day with a trivia contest led by Barbara Eshbach, head librarian at the Lee R. Glatfelter Library on campus. The crowd was small but the group had fun, and learned a few things too!

Winner of the Constitution Day Trivia prize

Photo credit: Barbara Dennis, Penn State York

Congratulations to Valerie Carrington, a Penn State York student majoring in English and winner of our Penn State bucket of prizes, including 2 pairs of patriotic socks and a $10.oo gift card to Starbucks! 

And . . . congratulations to Katherine Summers, our first winner of an IDEA!

Image of poster for Constitution Day Trivia eventThis will be our fourth annual Constitution Day Trivia contest! Using clickers and questions from the civic portion of the U.S. Naturalization test, we challenge our students to beat the national pass rate (currently 91%).

Thinking about studying before the event? Here are all the possible questions (and answers)!

Civics Questions and Answers for the Naturalization Test

Look for your invitation:

Image of Constitution Day booklet

Constitution Day booklets provided by PA State Representative Carol Hill-Evans

Also, for the first time, we posted a sign on the library door, with a different question each day. The first Penn State York student to come to the circulation desk with the correct answer won a Constitution booklet with a Penn State University Libraries’ flash drive, Sharpie, and highlighter.