Nama-stay Stress Free


One of the best things you can do to relieve stress and tension in your mind and body is through practicing yoga.

The closer our finals deadlines become and the less time we have to finish our work, the more tension enters my body.

The Penn State Community is no stranger to students undergoing the stress of finals week, so during this time of the semester they typically offer stress-relieving activities around campus, which are free and available to all students and faculty.

The businesses in the downtown area also join in to help the students during this tense time, including the amazing Lila Yoga Studio who is offering free yoga classes for students who need to de stress. My friends suggested we try it out since we are poor and stressed, so I decided to give it a shot.

I had never really taken yoga seriously, but I needed some peace this week so I went in with an open mind and came out with a calmer one.

This way: works!

Yoga does amazing things for your mind and body to bring you inner peace and tighter cheeks.

The benefits of regularly practicing yoga can help to:

  • Improve your flexibility
  • Build strength and muscle
  • Clear your mind of stressors
  • Boost your immune system
  • Make you happier and healthier
  • Pass Finals???? (Hopefully)

If any of you fellow Nittany Lions out there are struggling to make it through these last weeks, try Lila Yoga’s candlelit session, mediate on Old Main Lawn, or just grab some yoga mats and put those yoga pants to use in your own home. Any way you try it, it’s proven that you’ll come out a little less stressed and a lot more prepared to take on finals.




  1. Ugh I feel you about the stress. Can’t wait to try the free yoga at Lila this week! (Also thanks for writing blogs that aren’t novels…short & sweet!)

    • Let me know how you like Lila- send me pictures of your best sun salutations and I might even give you a shoutout!

  2. Wow I had no idea Lila Yoga had free sessions during finals! I’ll have to check them out in between exams. I had tried yoga before and it didn’t go too well but I’ll give it a shot again if it’s for free and can really help all of those things! Great post.

    • You totally should! They have classes for all experience levels so you won’t be the only one struggling. Why not? It’s free!

  3. I love Lila Yoga! My favorite session is the last one of the day, candlelit sessions it seriously relieves all of the stresses that you carry with you during the day and it feels amazing.

    • Everyone should experience candlelit sessions before leaving school. It really does end your day on a good note.

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